Vision for Justice in Scotland: measurement framework

Measurement framework to support the delivery of the Vision for Justice in Scotland.

Appendix – indicators under development

Outcome: We work with partners to improve the mental and physical wellbeing of those who come into contact with the justice system

Potential Measure (if known): Number of referrals from custody centers

Status: Measure under development

This indicator is from the Community Justice Performance Framework. For more information on the indicator, source, and notes on interpretation see the Community Justice Performance Framework – Guidance and Technical Notes.

Outcome: Children experience fewer adverse childhood experiences

Potential Measure (if known): Number of recorded crimes committed by those under 18

Status: Measure under development

Outcome: We create positive family environments and social networks.

Potential Measure (if known): Number of recorded crimes committed by those under 18

Status: Measure under development

Outcome: Children are treated with love and support, and their voices are heard effectively

Potential Measure (if known): Bairns’ Hoose

Status: Bairns’ Hoose is Scotland’s approach to the Icelandic ‘Barnahus’, which means ‘children’s house’. Bairns’ Hoose offers holistic, child-centred support to those who have been victims or witness of abuse and to children under the age of criminal responsibility whose behaviour has caused harm. On 31 May 2023 National Bairns’ Hoose Standards were published. These Standards set out what Bairns’ Hoose will mean for the children, young people and their families who will use its services, as well as for professionals. We are progressing with a phased approach to implementation and these Standards will be tested in Pathfinder Partnerships beginning this year. Our Project Plan Progress Report and Pathfinder Delivery Plan describes the next steps we will take.

Our Children and Young People Participation and Engagement Plan which was published on 1 June 2023 sets out our approach to participation and engagement, and the actions we will take. Through this, we will make sure that Bairns’ Hoose services best reflect the lived experience and views of those who matter most - the children and young people, and families of the children, who have experienced trauma.

Outcome: People who have offended, who are in prison are supported to live healthier, more productive lives

Potential Measure (if known): N/A

Status: Measure under development

Outcome: We must be supported to improve our health and wellbeing as part of rehabilitation and recovery

Potential Measure (if known): Number of transfers in drug/alcohol treatments from custody to community

Status: Measure under development

This indicator is from the Community Justice Performance Framework. For more information on the indicator, source, and notes on interpretation see the Community Justice Performance Framework – Guidance and Technical Notes.

Outcome: To ensure greater success in reducing reoffending, we must be supported to integrate into our communities, those who have offended have access to housing which meets their needs and have positive employment prospects and fair work

Potential Measure (if known): Percentage of those in employability services with convictions

Status: Measure under development

This indicator is from the Community Justice Performance Framework. For more information on the indicator, source, and notes on interpretation see the Community Justice Performance Framework – Guidance and Technical Notes.

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this social research publication:

☐ are available in more detail through Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics

☒ are available via an alternative route – through the links under each measure.

☐ may be made available on request, subject to consideration of legal and ethical factors. Please contact for further information.

☐ cannot be made available by Scottish Government for further analysis as Scottish Government is not the data controller.



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