Social Security Experience Panels - Pension Age Winter Heating Payment: visual summary

The visual summary details findings from a survey exploring panel members’ opinions on Pension Age Winter Heating Payment.

About the research

This visual summary sets out the findings from a survey on Pension Age Winter Heating Payment (PAWHP).

The Scottish Government are introducing this new winter heating payment as a replacement for the DWP-delivered Winter Fuel Payment (WFP) in Scotland in winter 2024/25. The payment will remain linked to an individual reaching state pension age, and will be a universal, non-means tested payment.

The survey was conducted with Experience Panels members from November to December 2023.

The survey asked panel members about proposals for PAWHP including:

  • Eligibility
  • Timing of payment
  • Payment rates
  • The potential impact of the payment on different communities and groups

The survey was distributed to 2,047 panel members. 164 responses were received.



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