Social Security Experience Panels - Pension Age Winter Heating Payment: visual summary

The visual summary details findings from a survey exploring panel members’ opinions on Pension Age Winter Heating Payment.

Timing of payment

When asked about the timing for the payment, the majority (80 per cent) of respondents said that the current November – December payment window used for WFP was the most suitable.

Older respondents and those with a physical disability were more likely to prefer the current payment window.

Comments in support of the current payment window referenced minimising disruption, but also emphasised that the payment needs to be delivered on time, as soon as possible.

Those in support of earlier payments stated that they needed to use their heating earlier in the year, or that it would help with advance planning for the winter months.

Quote from panel member:

“Heating is necessary in rural areas from start of October and I like to get my tank filled before the cold weather starts. We have to pay for our heating before we use it and it is expensive.”

Those in favour of a later payment suggested that the weather was worse later in the winter, or that it would help with budgeting decisions over the Christmas period.

Quote from panel member:

“I'd expect to have higher heating expenses later in the winter so the money would be more use then.”



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