Social Security Experience Panels - Pension Age Winter Heating Payment: visual summary

The visual summary details findings from a survey exploring panel members’ opinions on Pension Age Winter Heating Payment.

Eligibility and qualifying week

Survey respondents were asked for their views on eligibility for Pension Age Winter Heating remaining linked to an individual reaching state pension age. Over two-thirds (69 per cent) of respondents agreed. However, just over a fifth (21 per cent) disagreed.

Younger respondents were more likely to disagree that the payment should be linked to reaching state pension age.

Quote from panel member:

“[PAWHP] should be paid to everyone when they reach the age of 60. People aged 60 have the same needs as someone aged 67.”

The Scottish Government is proposing to maintain the current timetable for having the qualifying week in September. Four-fifths (80 per cent) of survey respondents agreed with this.

Respondents who disagreed said it was unfair that people miss out on the payment if they have birthdays soon after the qualifying week period. Some suggested an extended qualifying period, or an option for those who have birthdays soon after to make manual applications for the payment.

Quote from panel member:

“There must be a cut-off date, but you should extend for those birthdays October to December to claim via paper form. It’s [a] shame folk lose out by a day or week.”



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