Social Security Experience Panels - Pension Age Winter Heating Payment: visual summary

The visual summary details findings from a survey exploring panel members’ opinions on Pension Age Winter Heating Payment.

Support for island communities

Many respondents highlighted the higher costs of island living, due to weather, infrastructure and higher fuel costs for off-gas grid households.

Some respondents suggested that island communities should receive a higher value payment to reflect these costs, or that the payment could be differentiated by the type of fuel that they used.

Quote from panel member:

“Perhaps an additional amount is required for unique circumstances and environmental challenges.”

Some respondents highlighted that island communities have less robust infrastructure than those on the mainland. A few suggested there should be additional planning in place to provide for these communities in the event of extreme weather or disruption which prevents access to fuel supplies.

Some respondents suggested that island residents could be prioritised to receive payments first, or receive an earlier payment.

Other respondents noted that housing on islands is often older or in poorer condition, causing difficulties with heating properties and installing improvements such as insulation. Suggestions included prioritising island communities for assistance with new heating solutions such as heat pumps or local energy generation.

Quote from panel member:

“Make the off-grid people [and] rural and island communities’ people the first ones to get the new heating systems which are expected in the future: heat pumps, air drawn in from outside property, electricity from wind-farms supplying homes locally.”

Several respondents noted that the challenges faced by island communities are not unique and were often shared by those living in rural areas, such as the costs associated with solid fuels and less established infrastructure and transport links.

Other respondents suggested that due to the circumstances of island or rural life, higher heating costs and weather conditions, there should be expanded eligibility for fuel payments. Suggestions included widening eligibility to cover all households that were off-gas grid, including disabled or vulnerable households, or assessing cases on an individual basis.



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