Social Security Experience Panels - Pension Age Winter Heating Payment: visual summary

The visual summary details findings from a survey exploring panel members’ opinions on Pension Age Winter Heating Payment.

Other communities and groups

Many respondents suggested that a fuel payment should also be provided for people with disabilities, as people with disabilities can be affected by cold weather due to their conditions or because they have limited mobility, resulting in higher heating costs. Some suggested that this should be a universal payment, without age limits.

Other suggestions included extending the coverage of the payment through lowering the eligible age for people with disabilities, or including people with disabilities who are unable to work.

Quote from panel member:

“People below pensionable age who have health or mobility issues but maybe can't work, should also qualify. Perhaps a payment for all vulnerable groups would be fairer and more inclusive.”

A few respondents highlighted the additional costs associated with running healthcare equipment or mobility aids e.g. electricity costs from charging devices.

Some respondents suggested that other groups may need additional support with heating costs during winter due to their living situation or type of housing. These included people living in caravans or trailers, people who are homeless or have been in prison, or those living in poorly insulated properties.

Quote from panel member:

“In Scotland many people live in buildings made of stone blocks, so no cavity wall insulation for them. Also, the older tenements would need to have more insulation between floors.”



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