
Voice of the Infant: best practice guidelines and infant pledge

Co-produced by a short-life working group, on behalf of the Infant Mental Health Implementation and Advisory Group, which is part of the Scottish Government’s Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board.


1. Scottish Government. (2022) Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)

2. United Nations Children's Fund UK. (1989) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. London: UNICEF

3. The Promise Scotland. (2022) The Promise

4. World Association for Infant Mental Health. (2016) Position Paper on the Rights of Infants.

5. Lansdown, G. (2005) Can you hear me? The right of young children to participate in decisions affecting them. The Netherlands: Bernard van Leer Foundation.

6. Wall, K., Cassidy, C., Robinson, C., Hall, E., Beaton, M., Kanyal, M. and Mitra, D. (2019) Look who's talking: Factors for considering the facilitation of very young children's voices. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 17(4) 263-278.

7. Lundy, L. (2007) 'Voice' is not Enough: Conceptualising Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child'. British Educational Research Journal, 33(6) 927-942.

8. Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2015) National Strategy on Children and Young People's Participation in Decision-making, 2015 – 2020. Dublin: Government Publications.

9. United Nations Children's Fund UK. (2017) Guide to the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative Standards, 2nd ed. London: UNICEF.

10. NICE. (2021) Babies, children and young people's experience of healthcare. NICE Guideline. : NICE.

11. Armstrong, V. and Ross, J. (2021) Observational tool for infant-caregiver activities and therapeutic interventions. Art at the Start, University of Dundee.

12. Brazelton, T. B. and Nugent, J. K. (2011) The Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (4th ed.). London: Mac Keith Press.

13. Nugent, J.K., Keefer, C.H., Minear, S., Johnson, L.C. and Blanchard, Y. (2007) Understanding Newborn Behavior & Early Relationships. The Newborn Behavioral Observations () System Handbook. Baltimore: Paul H. Brooks Publishing Co.

14. Bayley, N. (2006) Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 3rd ed. San Antonio, Texas: Psychological Corporation.

15. Brazelton, T.B. and Sparrow J.D. (2006) Touchpoints Birth to Three. Your Child's Emotional and Behavioral Development, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Da Capo Press

16. Scottish Government. (2015) Universal Health Visiting Pathway in Scotland: pre-birth to pre-school. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

17. Weitzman, E. (2017) It Takes Two To Talk: A Practical Guide For Parents of Children With Language Delays, 5th Ed. Toronto, Hanen Centre.

18. Powell, B., Cooper, G., Hoffman, K. and Marvin, R. S. (2009) 'The circle of security', C. H. Zeanah, C.H. (ed.) Handbook of infant mental health, pp. 450-467. New York: Guilford Press



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