Warmer Homes Scotland - first annual review

Annual review of our Warmer Homes Scotland scheme, looking at delivery from September 2015 to March 2016.

Recommendations Summary

Fuel Poverty Recommendation 1 - This review recommends that a workshop on WHS eligibility is held in the near future to further investigate the current criteria to ensure all fuel poor households are able to access WHS. This workshop will need to take into account the relevant recommendations of the Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force and the Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group.
Recommendation 2 - This review recommends that further pro-active promotional work is undertaken in a way that will most effectively reach vulnerable and fuel poor households, particularly those groups identified who have not engaged with WHS. This should be in line with the Scottish Government's policies on Above the Line marketing and cold calling activities.
Recommendation 3 - This review recommends that Scottish Government work with HES and Warmworks to improve the information shared with customers and make case studies available to HES and the public to encourage uptake of WHS amongst eligible customers.
Recommendation 4 - A further review of the grant levels and loan support should be carried out to determine whether or not they are adequate for a fuel poverty scheme.
Recommendation 5 - Customers who have cancelled their application due to lack of enabling measures should be examined again in the 2016/17 WHS review to determine the impact of this work.
Recommendation 6 - The review recommends that a further investigation is undertaken into why customers do not respond to Warmworks repeated contact attempts.
Climate Change Recommendation 7 - Carbon and fuel bills savings and the associated impact on energy demand & carbon emission reduction should be a key focus of the 2016/17 WHS review
Housing Stock Recommendation 8 - A further investigation is required to determine why some measures specified by the scheme have not been offered to customers
Recommendation 9 - The levels of remedial work should be examined in the 2016/2017 review to compare with 2015/2016 levels
Value for Money Recommendation 10 - The national and local partnerships developed by Warmworks and their associated value to the Warmer Homes Scotland scheme should be considered a key part of the 2016/17 review of the scheme.
Community Benefits Recommendation 11 - Community Benefits reporting should be a key focus of the 2016/17 review of Warmer Homes Scotland.


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