Warmer Homes Scotland - first annual review

Annual review of our Warmer Homes Scotland scheme, looking at delivery from September 2015 to March 2016.

2.0 Completed and cancelled measures

2.1 Summary of Completed Installations

The following data was provided to Pennington Choices in August 2016 by Warmworks Scotland. The table below is a summary of all the completed measures between September 2015 and June 2016. Between these dates there have been a total of 5183 measures installed across 2615 properties. The breakdown of measure installs is shown in table 2.1a and graph 2.1b below.

Table 2.1a: Summary of Installations

Measure No. of Installs
Air Source Heat Pumps 5
Biomass Boilers 1
Cavity Wall Insulation 86
Draught Proofing 194
Electric Storage Heaters 169
Energy Efficient Glazing/Doors 46
External Wall Insulation 50
Flat Roof Insulation 3
Floor Insulation 45
Flue Gas Recovery Device 956
Gas Boiler - LPG 125
Gas Fired Condensing Boiler 1922
Heating Hot Water / AC Controls and Hot Water Systems 484
Heating System Insulation 437
Hot Water System 63
Internal Wall Insulation 20
Lighting Fittings 2
Loft Insulation 372
Oil Fired Condensing Boiler 191
Pitched Roof Insulation 4
Variable Speed Fan & Pump Drivers 8
TOTAL 5183

Graph 2.1b: Spread of Installations

Graph 2.1b: Spread of Installations

The data identifies that from the 5183 measures installed a total 26507 SAP points have been gained. The total cost of all measure installs was £8,145,746.10. The average cost per SAP point gain currently stands at £307.30.

It is important to note that the above analysis has been calculated on a per property basis and not a per measure basis.

2.2 Summary of Cancelled Installations

A total of 261 customers have cancelled installs between September 2015 and June 2016.

Table 2.2a: Summary of Cancelled Measures Types

Upheaval 61 23.4%
Contribution 15 5.7%
DNQ Various 60 23%
Measures offered 13 5%
Timescale 19 7.3%
No contact Customer/ LLP 93 35.6%

Graph 2.2b: Spread of Cancelled Measures Types

Graph 2.2b: Spread of Cancelled Measures Types

Table 2.2c: Geographic Summary of Cancelled Customers

Geographical Area No. of Properties with Installs No. of Cancelled Installs Percentage of Cancelled
Highlands 249 51 20.5%
Islands 98 26 26.5%
North East 478 39 8.2%
South East 467 41 8.7%
South West 338 35 10.4%
Strathclyde & Central 985 69 7%
TOTAL 2615 261 ~

Table 2.2d: Geographic Spread of Cancelled Customers

Table 2.2d: Geographic Spread of Cancelled Customers

2.3 Air Source Heat Pumps

Measure Completed Cancelled
Air Source Heat Pumps 5 1

Air Source heat pumps are a recommended measure and there has been a limited number of installs. The main reason for the low volume is the property types, as a large amount of space is required for an install. It is recommended that air source heat pumps remain as an available option. The one air source heat pump cancellation was due to the customer not wanting to go through the upheaval of an install.

2.4 Biomass Boilers

Measure Completed Cancelled
Biomass Boilers 1 5

Biomass boilers have been recommended on a number of occasions, however there has only been one install to date. There have been repairs to existing systems and there is a robust supply chain in place for this measure which will hopefully allow for an increased volume of installs should there be a boost in demand. It is recommended that biomass boilers remain as an available option. There were five cancelled biomass boilers. All of these were for rural cottages, of which 80% were in the Highlands. Four were cancelled due to no contact from the customer and one cancellation was due to the customer moving house.

2.5 Cavity Wall Insulation

Measure Completed Cancelled
Cavity Wall Insulation 86 19

Cavity wall insulation is a highly utilised measure, and there has been a high number of installs. It is recommended that cavity wall insulation remains as an available option. From the nineteen cavity wall insulation cancellations 69% were in the Highlands and Islands. These were cancelled for a variety of reasons ranging from the customer not qualifying to the customer not making contact within the required timescale. The remaining 31% of cancellations were across the other five regions and were mainly cancelled due to the customer not wishing to progress with the application as a whole because other measures would cause too much upheaval.

2.6 Draught Proofing

Measure Completed Cancelled
Draught Proofing 194 27

This measure has been re-introduced into the scheme and there has been a high number of installs. It is recommended that draught proofing remains as an available option. Draught proofing has been cancelled in conjunction with other recommended measures and has not been offered in any of the twenty seven cancellations as a standalone measure.

2.7 Electric Storage Heaters

Measure Completed Cancelled
Electric Storage Heaters 169 19

Electric storage heaters are commonly recommended to properties without gas connections. Due to there being a high volume of properties across Scotland without a gas connection it is recommended that electric storage heaters remain as an available option. One of the nineteen cancellations was due to the proposed fuel choice. The other eighteen cancellations varied - 69% of the customers did not make contact and 2% of the customers cancelled due to the cost and upheaval involved in having the asbestos removed.

* The completed install figures are based on a lower Spec. electric storage heater; this model is a cheaper measure however the instalment of this range expires in the near future. There will then be a higher Spec. model being used which may decrease the uptake of this measure.

2.8 Energy Efficiency Windows and Doors

Measure Completed Cancelled
Energy Efficiency Windows & Doors 46 7

These two separate measures are identified within the specification as one measure. Secondary glazing is offered not double glazing as planning constraints can impact and delay the installs. Door replacements are UPVC installs. These measures could be installed as stand alone measures, therefore we recommend that these measures be separated and offered as individual measures [Action]. The seven cancelled applications were mainly due to the properties not being inefficient and one customer requiring double not secondary glazing.

2.9 External Wall Insulation

Measure Completed Cancelled
External Wall Insulation 50 22

External wall insulation is a commonly recommended measure and there has been reasonable demand for external wall insulation installations. There is a customer contribution required as part of the installation and for that reason there have been a number of cancellations. There are no key issues with this measure and therefore recommend that it remains an available measure. 50% of the external wall applications were cancelled due to the customer having to pay a contribution and/or the property not being eligible for the measure. The remaining 50% ranged from the customer not wanting the upheaval of all the measures they were offered to them or not making contact in the required timescales.

2.10 Flat Roof Insulation

Measure Completed Cancelled
Flat Roof Insulation 3 1

This is a recommended measure where applicable however, the demand has been relatively low. Despite the small number of installations we recommend that flat roof insulation remains as an available measure. The one customer that cancelled did not want the upheaval and they were also surveyed for an oil system.

2.11 Floor Insulation

Measure Completed Cancelled
Floor Insulation 45 16

Floor insulation is a commonly recommended measure following the initial survey, however due to the nature of the works there have been 16 cancellations. The cancellations were mainly due to the customer's property having too high a SAP rating (not qualifying), customers not wanting the upheaval of lifting floors and customers not making contact in the required timescale. We recommend that floor insulation remains on the scheme as an available measure.

2.12 Flue Gas Heat Recovery Device

Measure Completed Cancelled
Flue Gas Heat Recovery Device 956 71

This measure is currently installed as part of a new gas boiler installation which is a separate measure, due to this there have been a large amount of installs. There are current discussions taking place between Warmworks and the Scottish Government to determine the future status of this measure. The conclusion of the discussions will establish if a flue gas heat recovery device is kept as an individual measure. The cancelled flue gas heat recovery devices were being fit as part of a gas fired condensing boiler install.

2.13 Gas Boiler LPG

Measure Completed Cancelled
Gas Boiler LPG 125 37

There have been a number of gas boiler LPG recommendations and installs. Gas boiler LPG should be kept within the scheme as an available measure for the benefit of properties that use LPG tanks. 30% of the cancelled applications were due to the customer falling out of the required timescale as this installation required customers making arrangements for new LPG tanks to be fitted. 8% of the customers cancelled due to fuel choice as they were looking to have other measures installed. The remainder of the cancelled customers did not make contact or they were having private installations carried out.

2.14 Gas Fired Condensing Boiler

Measure Completed Cancelled
Gas Fired Condensing Boiler 1922 92

This measure has had the highest number of installs across the programme. Boiler upgrades are in high demand and we recommend that they are kept on the scheme as an available measure. From the ninety two cancellations 28% of the customers and their properties did not qualify and 43% made no contact within the required timescales. The remaining 29% did not want the upheaval of the system being installed or could not afford to pay the contribution required.

2.15 Heating, Hot Water and A/C Controls

Measure Completed Cancelled
Heating, Hot Water & A/C Controls 484 12

This measure is included as part of a boiler install, due to this there has been a high percentage of uptakes. The twelve cancelled were offered this measure along with a fuel measure.

2.16 Heating System Insulation

Measure Completed Cancelled
Heating System Insulation 437 5

As above in section 2.15, heating system insulation is a measure applied as part of a boiler installation. The five cancelled were offered this measure along with a fuel measure.

2.17 Hot Water System

Measure Completed Cancelled
Hot Water System 63 3

As above in sections 2.15 and 2.16, heating system insulation is a measure applied as part of a boiler installation. The three cancelled were offered this measure along with a fuel measure.

2.18 Internal Wall Insulation

Measure Completed Cancelled
Internal Wall Insulation 20 13

This is a recommended measure however the installation can be fairly disruptive which could be impacting on the number of installs. If external wall insulation cannot be recommended for any reason then internal wall insulation is recommended during the survey, and for this reason we recommend the measure remains available on the scheme. The thirteen cancelled applications were due to customers and landlords not qualifying or agreeing to the measures due to either the perceived upheaval or unable/unwilling to make the required financial contribution.

2.19 Light Fittings

Measure Completed Cancelled
Light Fittings 2 0

A strongly recommended measure however light bulbs are not supplied as part of the retrofit. It is recommended that the specification is amended to include light bulbs as part of the install to increase the number of instalments. [Action]

2.20 Loft Insulation

Measure Completed Cancelled
Loft Insulation 372 60

Loft insulation is in high demand and there are no obvious issues with the measure or the instalment, we therefore recommended that it remains as an available measure on the scheme. The sixty cancelled applications that included loft insulation as a measure were applications that also had a fuel measure and cancelled for a variety of reasons from the customers not qualifying, not making contact within the required timescale or not wanting the perceived upheaval within their properties.

2.21 Oil Fired Condensing Boiler

Measure Completed Cancelled
Oil Fired Condensing Boiler 191 73

This is another commonly installed and recommended measure following the initial survey. However, there has been some ambiguity surrounding oil tank legislation which has impacted and delayed potential installs (see section 5.4 for further details). We recommend that oil fired condensing boilers remain as an available measure. 52% of the cancelled applications were due to the applicant or the property not qualifying, the customer not making contact within the required timescale. 27% of customers cancelled due to the contribution required and four out of the seventy three cancellations were due to the customers considering alternative measures.

2.22 Pitched Roof Insulation

Measure Completed Cancelled
Pitched Roof Insulation 4 1

This measure is recommended when there is a room-in-the-roof present at a property. The instalment includes the use of 'Kingspan' thermo-boards, which are readily available and applicable. We recommended that pitched roof insulation remains as an available measure. The one cancelled pitched roof insulation measure was due to the customer not willing or able to pay the required financial contribution.

2.23 Variable Speed Fan and Pump Drive

Measure Completed Cancelled
Variable Speed Fan & Pump Drive 8 0

There have only been a small number of variable speed fan and pump drive installs as this measure is typically fitted with other measures (dependent on the heat source present at the property). However we recommend that it remains as an available measure on the scheme.

2.24 Measures not recommended to date

The following measures have not been installed at any property to date -
Measure Notes Recommendation
Hybrid Wall Insulation This measure is recommended for properties with multiple wall construction types. This measure has been cancelled on 5 occasions. The five hybrid wall insulation measures have been offered with other measures and cancelled for reasons applying to the whole application. We recommend that this measure remains available within the scheme.
Solar Blinds Shutters and Shades This measure is more suited to commercial properties. To date there have not been any recommendations for this measure. There are also no SAP points available for this measure. To increase the uptake of this measure we recommend that the Scottish Government look into a possible contribution towards the instalment of this measure and/or if the loans scheme covers this measure. We would also recommend that Warmworks investigate the software they use on site allows for the recommendation of this measure and that surveyors are trained to recognise where this measure might be best suited as a recommendation.
Flexible Thermal Linings As above, this measure is more suited to commercial properties. To date there have been no recommendations for this measure and there are no SAP point advantages when installing this measure. To increase the uptake of this measure we recommend that the Scottish Government look into a possible contribution towards the instalment of this measure and/or if the loans scheme covers this measure. We would also recommend that Warmworks investigate the software they use on site allows for the recommendation of this measure and that surveyors are trained to recognise where this measure might be best suited as a recommendation.
Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery This measure has not yet been recommended and is rarely applicable to properties within fuel poverty. To increase the uptake of this measure we recommend that the Scottish Government look into a possible contribution towards the instalment of this measure and/or if the loans scheme covers this measure. We would also recommend that Warmworks investigate the software they use on site allows for the recommendation of this measure and that surveyors are trained to recognise where this measure might be best suited as a recommendation.
Underfloor heating This measure has not yet been recommended and is rarely applicable to properties within fuel poverty. To increase the uptake of this measure we recommend that the Scottish Government look into a possible contribution towards the instalment of this measure and/or if the loans scheme covers this measure. We would also recommend that Warmworks investigate the software they use on site allows for the recommendation of this measure and that surveyors are trained to recognise where this measure might be best suited as a recommendation.
Warm air heating systems There have been some recommendations for this measure however no instalments have gone ahead due to asbestos being present at the properties. We recommend that the specification is amended to make an allowance for asbestos removal.
Water efficient taps and shower There are no concerns with this measure as a recommendation however there have been no installs to date. We recommend that this measure remains available within the scheme.
Solar Thermal There have been a limited number of recommendations but no installs have taken place to date. We recommend that this measure remains available within the scheme.
Solar PV This measure is recommended however there have been no instalments as customers are unable to claim the feed in tariff. We recommend that this measure remains available within the scheme.
Wind Turbines There have been no recommendations and this measure does not suit the target properties. To increase the uptake of this measure we recommend that the Scottish Government look into a possible contribution towards the instalment of this measure and/or if the loans scheme covers this measure. We would also recommend that Warmworks investigate the software they use on site allows for the recommendation of this measure and that surveyors are trained to recognise where this measure might be best suited as a recommendation.
Ground Source Heat Pumps Ground source heat pumps and air source heat pumps are classified as the same measure. There have been no recommendations for ground source heat pumps. We recommend this measure be separated from air source heat pumps. See Section 4 for specific recommendation for ground source heat pumps.
Micro Hydro Systems There have been no recommendations for this measure to date. See Section 4 for recommendations
Micro Combined Heat and Power There have been no recommendations for this measure to date. See Section 4 for recommendations


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