
Water, wastewater and drainage: consultation analysis

Summarises the responses that we received on our consultation on the the water, wastewater and drainage principles and considerations in developing policy for the future of the water industry in Scotland in response to the climate emergency.

Annex A – Quantitative analysis data

A full breakdown of the numbers and percentage response to each closed question is detailed below. This does not include responses to free text fields. The numbering used reflects the number used for each closed question in the consultation and as free text questions have been excluded the numbering below includes omissions.

Question 1: Do you agree that Scotland needs to set out a plan to manage our water resources, for now and into the future?

There were 485 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 1, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 475 96.54%
No 10 2.03%
Not Answered 7 1.42%

Question 2: To what extent do you agree that taking a national view of catchment risks will help better protect drinking water sources from pollutants?

There were 484 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 2, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 284 57.72%
Agree 146 29.67%
Neither agree nor disagree 33 6.71%
Disagree 16 3.25%
Strongly disagree 5 1.02%
Not Answered 8 1.63%

Question 3: To what extent do you agree or disagree that everyone in Scotland needs to use less drinking water?

There were 475 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 3, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 164 33.33%
Agree 170 34.55%
Neither agree nor disagree 78 15.85%
Disagree 47 9.55%
Strongly disagree 16 3.25%
Not Answered 17 3.46%

Question 5: Would you like to know how much water you use in your home?

There were 450 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 5, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 314 63.82%
No 136 27.64%
Not Answered 42 8.54%

Question 6: Would you seek to reduce your water usage if this avoids building expensive new reservoirs and water treatment works?

There were 451 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 6, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 353 71.75%
No 98 19.92%
Not Answered 41 8.33%

Question 8: To what extent do you agree or disagree that the process for responding to water shortages should be changed so that appropriate action can be taken as soon as it is needed?

There were 470 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 8, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 217 44.11%
Agree 168 34.15%
Neither agree nor disagree 64 13.01%
Disagree 17 3.46%
Strongly disagree 4 0.81%
Not Answered 22 4.47%

Question 9: To what extent do you agree or disagree that all of Scotland’s plumbing should be made lead-free?

There were 473 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 9, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 295 59.96%
Agree 118 23.98%
Neither agree nor disagree 51 10.37%
Disagree 8 1.63%
Strongly disagree 1 0.20%
Not Answered 19 3.86%

Question 10: Would you know where to get information on how to ensure that your pipes are not affecting your drinking water?

There were 457 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 10, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 207 42.07%
No 250 50.81%
Not Answered 35 7.11%

Question 11: Do you agree that all drinking water supplies, regardless of size or ownership, should be tested and inspected to ensure that drinking water is safe?

There were 474 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 11, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 235 47.76%
Agree 170 34.55%
Neither agree nor disagree 40 8.13%
Disagree 20 4.07%
Strongly disagree 9 1.83%
Not Answered 18 3.66%

Question 14: Who do you think has a role in changing how we manage rainwater in Scotland to adapt to the impacts of climate change? (Please select all that apply).

There were 472 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 14, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Individuals 312 63.41%
Homeowners 354 71.95%
Businesses 379 77.03%
Scottish Government 441 89.63%
Scottish Water 445 90.45%
Local Authorities 440 89.43%
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) 426 86.59%
Land owners 395 80.28%
Farmers 379 77.03%
House builders 418 84.96%
Community groups 271 55.08%
Not Answered 20 4.07%

Question 15: To what extent do you agree that you/your organisation have/has a role in changing how we manage rainwater in communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change?

There were 474 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 15, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 212 43.09%
Agree 151 30.69%
Neither agree nor disagree 77 15.65%
Disagree 25 5.08%
Strongly disagree 9 1.83%
Not Answered 18 3.66%

Question 17: Would you know where to find information on how to best manage rainwater in your property?

There were 455 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 17, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 215 43.70%
No 240 48.78%
Not Answered 37 7.52%

Question 18: To what extent do you agree that there is a need to plan, build, maintain and make room for drainage infrastructure to better manage rainwater in our villages, towns and cities?

There were 477 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 18, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 372 75.61%
Agree 94 19.11%
Neither agree nor disagree 7 1.42%
Disagree 1 0.20%
Strongly disagree 3 0.61%
Not Answered 15 3.05%

Question 19: What should Scotland’s drainage systems look like in the future?

There were 477 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 19, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Grey infrastructure only (drains, pipes, tanks) 12 2.44%
Blue-green infrastructure (rain gardens, green roofs, SUDS ponds, basins, wetlands, swales, etc) 63 12.80%
A combination of both grey and blue-green infrastructure 402 81.71%
Not Answered 15 3.05%

Question 21: Should investment be prioritised to address overflows that have a negative impact in the environment?

There were 472 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 21, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 446 90.65%
No 26 5.28%
Not Answered 20 4.07%

Question 22: To what extent do you agree or disagree that more should be done to stop items being disposed of down toilets or drains?

There were 474 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 22, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 366 74.39%
Agree 85 17.28%
Neither agree nor disagree 21 4.27%
disagree 2 0.41%
Strongly disagree 0 0.00%
Not Answered 18 3.66%

Question 24: It is already an offence for non-household properties to discharge fats, oils and greases to the sewer. Do you agree that offences should be extended to:

  • include other pollutants, and specifically plastic?

There were 462 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 24, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 434 88.21%
No 28 5.69%
Not Answered 30 6.10%
  • extend the offence to household premises?

There were 447 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 24, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 323 65.65%
No 124 25.20%
Not Answered 45 9.15%

Question 25: We currently undertake some monitoring of pollutants, do you agree that we should extend our monitoring of wastewater to look for new pollutants, and monitor pathogens in the community?

There were 475 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 25, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 282 57.32%
Agree 148 30.08%
Neither agree nor disagree 39 7.93%
Disagree 5 1.02%
Strongly disagree 1 0.20%
Not Answered 17 3.46%

Question 26: Do you agree that resource recovery is something that Scottish Water should be undertaking?

There were 457 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 26, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 430 87.40%
No 27 5.49%
Not Answered 35 7.11%

Question 27: To what extent do you agree that Scottish Water should be able to use the money it receives from customer charges to invest in resource recovery hubs?

There were 468 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 27, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 214 43.50%
Agree 174 35.37%
Neither agree nor disagree 53 10.77%
Disagree 20 4.07%
Strongly disagree 7 1.42%
Not Answered 24 4.88%

Question 28: Do you agree that all wastewater treatment systems, regardless of size or ownership, should be tested and inspected to ensure that they do not impact negatively on the environment?

There were 465 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 28, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 414 84.15%
No 51 10.37%
Not Answered 27 5.49%

Question 30: Do you think that owners of existing private wastewater systems should be required to connect to the public system where connection is possible, beneficial and not expensive?

There were 468 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 30, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 135 27.44%
Agree 142 28.86%
Neither agree nor disagree 127 25.81%
Disagree 44 8.94%
Strongly disagree 20 4.07%
Not Answered 24 4.88%

Question 32: To what extent do you agree that changing our behaviours is essential to limit charge rises?

There were 473 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 32, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 237 48.17%
Agree 161 32.72%
Neither agree nor disagree 58 11.79%
Disagree 15 3.05%
Strongly disagree 2 0.41%
Not Answered 19 3.86%

Question 33: Do you agree that we should recognise that there are three services (water, wastewater and drainage)?

There were 466 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 33, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 414 84.15%
No 52 10.57%
Not Answered 26 5.28%

Question 34: Do you agree that using Council Tax Bands is the fairest way to charge for services used by households?

There were 431 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 34, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Yes 172 34.96%
No 259 52.64%
Not Answered 61 12.40%

Question 37: To what extent do you agree that all households and businesses should pay for roads to be drained?

There were 463 responses to this part of the question.

The graph displays the answers to question 37, as detailed in the table below.
Option Total Percent
Strongly agree 65 13.21%
Agree 114 23.17%
Neither agree nor disagree 133 27.03%
Disagree 90 18.29%
Strongly disagree 61 12.40%
Not Answered 29 5.89%



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