
Water, wastewater and drainage: consultation analysis

Summarises the responses that we received on our consultation on the the water, wastewater and drainage principles and considerations in developing policy for the future of the water industry in Scotland in response to the climate emergency.


The consultation set out the Scottish Government’s proposed strategic principles, and considerations in developing policy for the future of the water industry in Scotland in response to the climate emergency. The policy proposals are designed to protect our water, wastewater and drainage services; better prepare for the impacts of climate change on these services; and, maximise the benefits that we can deliver for the people of Scotland.

The health of Scotland’s economy, society and environment is increasingly reliant on how effectively we adapt to the impacts of climate change. As the climate continues to shift, life in Scotland in the future may look different to how it looks today. The demand for water will continue to grow as the weather gets warmer and this will affect many aspects of our lives including our crop management and food supply. There will also be pressure on our drinking water supply affecting not only the amount of water available, but also the quality of the water that we take from the environment to use for drinking water.

As the frequency and intensity of storms increases, so does the risk of flooding in people’s homes, businesses and other essential services which will impact the way we live. As we have described above the climate has already changed. We need to adapt the way in which we plan, deliver and use our essential water, wastewater and drainage services to cope with these changes now. This will ensure that our environment is protected, drinking water is secured and rainwater is managed in a way that reduces the impact on society for future generations.

Our climate is becoming more unpredictable and the water sector must adapt in a way that provides best value for current and future customers, as well as supporting a climate resilient economy. We are proposing legislation that will allow Scotland to adapt to an uncertain future, providing the flexibility to quickly respond to existing and emerging risks. This will help protect Scotland’s economy, environment and water resources so we can continues to enjoy them for generations to come.



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