
Minimum Income Guarantee: Experts by Experience Panel report - executive summary

The executive summary from the Minimum Income Guarantee Experts by Experience Panel who have deliberated on the complexities of designing a Minimum Income Guarantee and provided rich insights which will continue to inform the Expert Group’s decision making.


A Minimum Income Guarantee is an assurance that no one will fall below a set income level that would allow them to live a dignified life. It can be met through a combination of fair and accessible paid work, high quality services that reduce household costs and adequate social security.

The Scottish Government committed to delivering a Minimum Income Guarantee longer-term in 2021 and tasked an independent Expert Group to consider the design and delivery of this innovative and potentially transformational policy.

To generate social policy that works for those it aims to support, it is essential to include their experiential knowledge across its development. Involve convened a deliberative Experts by Experience Panel to work alongside the Expert Group to define a Minimum Income Guarantee for Scotland and indentify actions to support its implementation.



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