
Welcome pack for New Scots

The New Scots vision is “For a welcoming Scotland where refugees and asylum seekers are able to rebuild their lives from the day they arrive”.

Communities and culture

Scotland thrives on a rich and diverse culture thanks to the contributions of people from all over the world. Scotland's long history of welcoming refugees and asylum seekers has seen people settle, rebuild their lives and become part of communities. Established communities and individuals are helping to support newly arrived refugees, displaced people and asylum seekers, by sharing their knowledge and experience. Scottish Refugee Council and other community development organisations continue to support refugees to form their own community groups and forums. Refugees and asylum seekers also have much to contribute to existing community organisations and wider society.

Faith and belief

Scotland is a multi-faith country with many religions found here, including Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Paganism. Scotland is historically a Christian country and a large portion of the population still consider themselves Christian. However, almost half of the population have no religious belief or belonging.

Everyone living in Scotland has the right to choose to practise a faith or not, without discrimination. People's right to freedom of religion and conscience must be respected and is protected in law. Organisations such as Interfaith Scotland help to promote good relations and dialogue between the different religion and belief communities of Scotland.

Religion in Scotland 2018
This is a chart that shows the breakdown of the many religions and beliefs in Scotland by percentage.


Scotland is a place where culture is valued, protected and nurtured. Culture is woven through everyday life and is shaped by society, rich cultural heritage and creativity of today is inspired by people and place, enlivens every community and is celebrated around the world. Find out more about Scotland's traditions

Scotland is home to a wide range of festivals which take place every year, for example, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.



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