
Welcome to Scotland: A guide for service personnel and their families in Scotland

Information about the support and services available in Scotland, including information on housing, education, healthcare, employment, benefits and social care and other information.


There are a number of ways to find work in Scotland and below is a list of the support services that we provide to help you in securing employment.

Skills Development Scotland (SDS)

SDS provides careers information, advice and guidance, as well as work-based training programmes aimed at building career management skills. They support a wide range of pathways into work, including Modern Apprenticeships (further information below). There are SDS Careers Centres based in each local authority

area which you can visit to access support, more information on these can be found at 

There is also an online service, My World of Work (, which can assist you through every stage of your working life. Anyone can access information on a wide range of subjects, including choosing a career, learning and training, applying for jobs and making a career change. You will find information on researching careers to building your CV. You can also access specific information and assistance for veterans and early service leavers through the dedicated page at

Modern Apprenticeships (MAs)

Modern apprenticeships in Scotland can offer you opportunities to learn on the job, get the experience you need, and work towards a qualification. If you’re between the ages of 16 and 29 you can find out if you qualify for an apprenticeship at 

Graduate Apprenticeships (GAs)

Graduate Apprenticeships provide work-based learning opportunities up to Master’s degree level for employees. They have been created in partnership with industry and the further and higher education sector. The apprenticeships combine academic knowledge with skills development to enable participants to become more effective and productive in the workplace.

Working in your local area

You can apply to work for your local council across a wide range of job roles and services. Visit My Job Scotland to view, search and apply for jobs in your area at 

Jobcentre Plus helps people to find and progress in work, including those who are unemployed and claiming benefits. Visit your nearest Jobcentre Plus for help with finding a job and information on any benefits you and your family might be entitled to, or visit the website at

You can find further information surrounding the support services available at



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