
West Lothian Local Development Plan: letter of intention to adopt Wind Energy Development Supplementary Guidance

Clearance letter from Planning and Architecture Division to West Lothian Council in regards to Wind Energy Development Supplementary Guidance.

Dear Steve,

Town And Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 notice of intention to adopt: supplementary guidance

I refer to your correspondence of 28 May 2021, notifying Scottish Ministers of your intention to adopt the Supplementary Guidance titled ‘Wind Energy Development’ in connection with the West Lothian Local Development Plan.

Scottish Ministers do not propose to issue a direction in relation to this document.

 Prior to adopting this document as supplementary guidance, your Authority should satisfy itself that it has met the requirements set out in the Town and Country Planning (Development Planning) (Scotland) Regulations 2008. In particular, we would bring to your attention the need to comply with section 27(2) of the above regulations, which state that supplementary guidance adopted and issued under section 22(1) of the 1997 Act (in connection with a particular local development plan), may only deal with the provision of further information or detail in respect of the policies or proposals set out in the plan and then only provided that those are matters which are expressly identified in a statement contained in the plan as matters which are to be dealt with in supplementary guidance.

Yours sincerely

Allen Hughes Planning & Architecture Division

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