West of Scotland draft designation order

Draft designation order for the amendment of the West of Scotland Marine Protected Area

West of Scotland Marine Protected Area (Amendment) Order 2024

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Scottish Ministerial Order

Environmental Protection

Marine Management

West of Scotland Marine Protected Area (Amendment) Order [Year]

Made - - - - ***

Coming into force - - ***

The Scottish Ministers make the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 116(1) and 122(1) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009(a) (“the 2009 Act”) and all other powers enabling them to do so.

In accordance with section 117(1) of the 2009 Act the Scottish Ministers consider it desirable to make this Order for the purposes of conserving marine flora and fauna, marine habitats and types of such habitats, and features of geological and geomorphological interest.

In accordance with section 116(6) of the 2009 Act the Scottish Ministers have obtained the agreement of the Secretary of State to the making of this Order.

In accordance with section 123(5) of the 2009 Act (b) the Scottish Ministers have had regard to any assimilated obligations or obligations under international law that relate to the conservation or improvement of the marine environment.

In accordance with section 119 of the 2009 Act the Scottish Ministers have —

(a) published notice of their proposals to make this Order,

(b) consulted any persons who the Scottish Ministers thought were likely to be interested in, or affected by, the making of this Order, and

(c) consulted the Secretary of State.

Citation and Commencement

1. This Order may be cited as the West of Scotland Marine Protected Area (Amendment) Order [Year] and comes into force on [Date].

Amendment of the West of Scotland Marine Protected Area Order 2020

2.—(1) The West of Scotland Marine Protected Area Order 2020(c) is amended as follows.

(2) In Article 3(2) for “98 boundary lines” substitute “96 boundary lines”.

(3) For schedule 1 (Area designated – boundary lines), substitute the schedule set out in the schedule of this Order.

(a) 2009 c.23. Section 116(5) provides that the appropriate authority in relation to an area in the Scottish offshore region is the Scottish Ministers. The Scottish offshore region is defined in section 322(1), as read with section 42.

(b) Section 123(5) was amended by S.S.I. 2018/1399 and S.I. 2023/1424.

(c) The West of Scotland Marine Protected Area Order 2020 is available at https://www.gov.scot/binaries/content/documents/govscot/publications/regulation-directive-order/2020/09/marine-protected-area-mpa-west-of-scotland-order-2020/documents/marine-protected-area-mpa-west-of-scotland-order-2020/marine-protected-area-mpa-west-of-scotland-order-2020/govscot%3Adocument/West%2Bof%2BScotland%2BDeep%2BSea%2BReserve%2BMPA%2BOrder%2B2020.pdf


Authorised to sign by the Scottish Ministers

St Andrew’s House,




Article 2(3)

Substitution of Schedule 1 of the West of Scotland Marine Protected Area Order 2020

“Schedule 1

Article 3

Area designated - boundary lines

Boundary Line Set of co-ordinates of points which the boundary line joins Topographic description of boundary line
1. A to B a line every point of which is 200 nautical miles from the nearest point on the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is measured
2. B to C Geodesic
3. C to D Geodesic
4. D to E Geodesic
5. E to F Geodesic
6. F to G Geodesic
7. G to H Geodesic
8. H to I Loxodrome
9. I to J Loxodrome
10. J to K Loxodrome
11. K to L Loxodrome
12. L to M Loxodrome
13. M to N Loxodrome
14. N to O Loxodrome
15. O to P Loxodrome
16. P to Q Loxodrome
17. Q to R Loxodrome
18. R to S Loxodrome
19. S to T Loxodrome
20. T to U Loxodrome
21. U to V Loxodrome
22. V to W Loxodrome
23. W to X Loxodrome
24. X to Y Loxodrome
25. Y to Z Loxodrome
26. Z to AA Loxodrome
27. AA to AB Loxodrome
28. AB to AC Geodesic
29. AC to AD Geodesic
30. AD to AE Geodesic
31. AE to AF Geodesic
32. AF to AG Geodesic
33. AG to AH Loxodrome
34. AH to AI Loxodrome
35. AI to AJ Loxodrome
36. AJ to AK Loxodrome
37. AK to AL Loxodrome
38. AL to AM Loxodrome
39. AM to AN Loxodrome
40. AN to AO Loxodrome
41. AO to AP Loxodrome
42. AP to AQ Loxodrome
43. AQ to AR Loxodrome
44. AR to AS Loxodrome
45. AS to AT Loxodrome
46. AT to AU Loxodrome
47. AU to AV Loxodrome
48. AV to AW Loxodrome
49. AW to AX Loxodrome
50. AX to AY Geodesic
51. AY to AZ Geodesic
52. AZ to BA Geodesic
53. BA to BB Geodesic
54. BB to BC Geodesic
55. BC to BD Geodesic
56. BD to BE Geodesic
57. BE to BF Geodesic
58. BF to BG Geodesic
59. BG to BH Geodesic
60. BH to BI Geodesic
61. BI to BJ Geodesic
62. BJ to BK Geodesic
63. BK to BL Parallel of latitude
64. BL to BM Meridian of longitude
65. BM to BN Parallel of latitude
66. BN to BO Loxodrome
67. BO to BP Loxodrome
68. BP to BQ Loxodrome
69. BQ to BR Loxodrome
70. BR to BS Loxodrome
71. BS to BT Loxodrome
72. BT to BU Loxodrome
73. BU to BV Loxodrome
74. BV to BW Loxodrome
75. BW to BX Loxodrome
76. BX to BY Loxodrome
77. BY to BZ Loxodrome
78. BZ to CA Loxodrome
79. CA to CB Loxodrome
80. CB to CC Loxodrome
81. CC to CD Loxodrome
82. CD to CE Loxodrome
83. CE to CF Loxodrome
84. CF to CG Loxodrome
85. CG to CH Loxodrome
86. CH to CI Loxodrome
87. CI to CJ Loxodrome
88. CJ to CK Loxodrome
89. CK to CL Loxodrome
90. CL to CM Loxodrome
91. CM to CN Loxodrome
92. CN to CO Loxodrome
93. CO to CP Loxodrome
94. CP to CQ Loxodrome
95. CQ to CR Loxodrome
96. CR to A Loxodrome


“A” is 58° 22.287' N, 014° 50.995' W;

“B” is 60° 09.031' N, 013° 16.199' W;

“C” is 60° 07.306' N, 012° 17.622' W;

“D” is 60° 02.833' N, 011° 16.458' W;

“E” is 59° 57.425' N, 010° 29.895' W;

“F” is 59° 50.490' N, 009° 34.037' W;

“G” is 59° 49.792' N, 008° 38.602' W;

“H” is 59° 50.897' N, 008° 17.381' W;

“I” is 59° 47.116' N, 008° 12.352' W;

“J” is 59° 41.193' N, 008° 01.059' W;

“K” is 59° 37.000' N, 007° 39.000' W;

“L” is 59° 37.000' N, 006° 47.000' W;

“M” is 59° 37.060' N, 006° 42.224' W;

“N” is 59° 34.772' N, 006° 43.327' W;

“O” is 59° 31.497' N, 006° 42.441' W;

“P” is 59° 28.185' N, 006° 43.986' W;

“Q” is 59° 25.093' N, 006° 47.445' W;

“R” is 59° 22.330' N, 006° 52.624' W;

“S” is 59° 20.582' N, 007° 09.850' W;

“T” is 59° 15.390' N, 007° 23.808' W;

“U” is 59° 08.202' N, 007° 33.696' W;

“V” is 58° 59.771' N, 007° 36.598' W;

“W” is 58° 54.368' N, 007° 41.881' W;

“X” is 58° 49.203' N, 007° 54.558' W;

“Y” is 58° 47.250' N, 008° 01.900' W;

“Z” is 58° 45.950' N, 008° 08.680' W;

“AA” is 58° 40.175' N, 008° 35.100' W;

“AB” is 58° 31.796' N, 009° 07.613' W;

“AC” is 58° 39.096' N, 009° 29.196' W;

“AD” is 58° 35.033' N, 009° 38.450' W;

“AE” is 58° 28.310' N, 009° 46.418' W;

“AF” is 58° 23.341' N, 009° 46.975' W;

“AG” is 58° 19.571' N, 009° 33.061' W;

“AH” is 58° 17.200' N, 009° 35.150' W;

“AI” is 58° 15.900' N, 009° 36.800' W;

“AJ” is 58° 11.800' N, 009° 38.550' W;

“AK” is 58° 07.150' N, 009° 40.450' W;

“AL” is 58° 01.600' N, 009° 42.000' W;

“AM” is 57° 57.550' N, 009° 42.320' W;

“AN” is 57° 48.146' N, 009° 42.481' W;

“AO” is 57° 40.176' N, 009° 41.255' W;

“AP” is 57° 24.426' N, 009° 34.800' W;

“AQ” is 57° 17.001' N, 009° 29.263' W;

“AR” is 57° 09.577' N, 009° 24.089' W;

“AS” is 57° 04.000' N, 009° 18.700' W;

“AT” is 57° 01.000' N, 009° 15.900' W;

“AU” is 56° 59.500' N, 009° 14.000' W;

“AV” is 56° 56.500' N, 009° 11.100' W;

“AW” is 56° 52.500' N, 009° 08.500' W;

“AX” is 56° 50.711' N, 009° 08.003' W;

“AY” is 56° 50.706' N, 009° 39.394' W;

“AZ” is 56° 47.126' N, 009° 57.606' W;

“BA” is 56° 46.948' N, 010° 03.673' W;

“BB” is 56° 44.984' N, 010° 06.529' W;

“BC” is 56° 44.092' N, 010° 13.489' W;

“BD” is 56° 42.486' N, 010° 15.095' W;

“BE” is 56° 38.350' N, 010° 16.163' W;

“BF” is 56° 38.375' N, 010° 19.791' W;

“BG” is 56° 37.139' N, 010° 28.254' W;

“BH” is 56° 35.982' N, 010° 31.569' W;

“BI” is 56° 34.958' N, 010° 34.220' W;

“BJ” is 56° 33.519' N, 010° 36.697' W;

“BK” is 56° 32.500' N, 010° 38.280' W;

“BL” is 56° 32.500' N, 012° 12.000' W;

“BM” is 56° 42.000' N, 012° 12.000' W;

“BN” is 56° 42.000' N, 013° 25.223' W;

“BO” is 56° 42.167' N, 013° 25.167' W;

“BP” is 56° 43.883' N, 013° 23.983' W;

“BQ” is 56° 46.983' N, 013° 21.800' W;

“BR” is 56° 53.017' N, 013° 14.850' W;

“BS” is 56° 58.883' N, 013° 10.900' W;

“BT” is 57° 11.783' N, 012° 53.550' W;

“BU” is 57° 12.467' N, 012° 49.617' W;

“BV” is 57° 16.383' N, 012° 47.767' W;

“BW” is 57° 20.283' N, 012° 47.967' W;

“BX” is 57° 24.417' N, 012° 48.183' W;

“BY” is 57° 25.550' N, 012° 42.783' W;

“BZ” is 57° 30.650' N, 012° 43.133' W;

“CA” is 57° 30.950' N, 012° 46.600' W;

“CB” is 57° 35.900' N, 012° 50.850' W;

“CC” is 57° 40.650' N, 012° 50.433' W;

“CD” is 57° 50.200' N, 012° 50.667' W;

“CE” is 57° 58.083' N, 012° 53.900' W;

“CF” is 58° 04.700' N, 013° 02.033' W;

“CG” is 58° 11.750' N, 013° 17.533' W;

“CH” is 58° 17.117' N, 013° 28.850' W;

“CI” is 58° 21.950' N, 013° 38.283' W;

“CJ” is 58° 22.833' N, 013° 41.933' W;

“CK” is 58° 22.800' N, 013° 50.033' W;

“CL” is 58° 24.450' N, 013° 56.050' W;

“CM” is 58° 33.233' N, 014° 04.167' W;

“CN” is 58° 39.133' N, 014° 09.267' W;

“CO” is 58° 39.350' N, 014° 13.717' W;

“CP” is 58° 34.517' N, 014° 21.967' W;

“CQ” is 58° 25.833' N, 014° 25.700' W; and

“CR” is 58° 24.834' N, 014° 25.389' W.

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the West of Scotland Marine Protected Area Order 2020 (“the 2020 Order”) which designates part of the marine area off the west coast of Scotland as a marine protected area (“the West of Scotland MPA”). The 2020 Order also specifies the protected features and conservation objectives of the West of Scotland MPA.

Article 2 amends the description of the area designated as the West of Scotland MPA, and substitutes schedule 1 of the 2020 Order which describes the boundary lines of the West of Scotland MPA. This Order amends Schedule 1 of the 2020 Order to remove an area outwith the limits of the UK sector of the continental shelf, and an area that forms part of the Special Area defined in article 4 of the Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark together with the Home Government of the Faroe Islands, on the one hand, and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on the other hand, relating to Maritime Delimitation in the Area between the Faroe Islands and the United Kingdom, 18 May 1999.

A Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (“BRIA”) has been prepared in relation to this Order. Copies of the BRIA and an illustrative map of the marine protected area is available from the Scottish Government Marine Directorate, Victoria Quay, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ and online.


Email: marine_biodiversity@gov.scot

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