West of Scotland Marine Protected Area: business and regulatory impact assessment
Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) which looks at the social and economic impacts of the designation of the West of Scotland Marine Protected Area.
Annex A: Scoping exercise
The scoping assessment identifies the potential interactions between the deep sea marine reserve option areas, and those interactions with the potential to give rise to significant social and economic impacts. The outcome of the scoping assessment is provided in the table below. The sectors taken forward for assessment are: commercial fisheries; military interests; oil and gas; power interconnectors; seabed mining and telecommunication cables.
Sector | Scoped in/out | Reason |
Aquaculture (finfish) | X | No overlap with existing or proposed aquaculture sites |
Aquaculture (shellfish) | X | No overlap with existing or proposed aquaculture sites |
Aviation | X | No management would be required for this sector |
Carbon Capture and Storage | X | No overlap with potential CCS locations |
Coast Protection and Flood Defence | X | No overlap with coastal protection and flood defence measures |
Commercial Fisheries | √ | Overlap with commercial fishing activity |
Energy Generation | X | No overlap with wind, wave and tidal Development Plan Options |
Marine Aggregate Extraction | X | No current marine aggregate licences or licence applications in Scottish waters |
Military Interests | √ | Overlap of danger areas and practice and exercise areas with site |
Oil and Gas | √ | Overlap with 29th and 30th Round areas |
Ports and Harbours | X | No overlap with ports and harbours or dredge disposal sites |
Power Interconnectors | √ | Overlap with planned Icelink interconnector |
Recreational Boating | X | No management would be required for this sector |
Seabed mining | √ | No seabed mining activity currently, but designation may preclude future activity |
Shipping | X | No management would be required for this sector |
Telecom Cables | √ | Overlap with existing telecom cables |
Tourism (including heritage assets) | X | No management would be required for this sector |
Water sports | X | No management would be required for this sector |
Email: marine_conservation@gov.scot
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