
Whole Family Wellbeing Funding Programme - ICIA

Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) for the Whole Family Wellbeing Funding Programme.

3. Consultation

The WFWF Programme is based on the findings of the Independent Care Review - The Promise and Plan 21-24 - The Promise. Two external stakeholder groups led by the Scottish Government, the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Children and Families Collective Leadership Group - ( and the Family Support Advisory Group - (formerly known as the Family Support Delivery Group) were consulted on the principles, criteria and spending proposals for WFWF programme.

Proposals for distribution of the Programme spend were developed in close collaboration with partners across the sector, including CSPP Strategic Leads and COSLA (representing all of Scotland’s 32 councils). The approach and allocation formula for Element 1 funding have been agreed by the governance groups, Ministers and relevant COSLA governance processes. The funding is to be spent and delivered according to the collective agreement and direction of the local CSPP with accountability resting with each strategic Children’s Services Planning governance forum.

No particular issues relating to island communities were raised at the time. Additionally, we published the Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF) - year 1 process evaluation: final report of the programme on 31 January 2024, which told us that overall, CSPPs see WFWF as beneficial. They expressed that the WFWF approach has afforded the autonomy and flexibility needed to tailor whole family support activities to local needs and align them with their broader children’s services planning approach.

Through Element 2, our LiA Network has been set up to enable collaboration, facilitate peer support, share learning and approaches from across the country, and support solution-focused discussions around the barriers to whole system change. The Network is available for all areas to engage with and members are welcome to help shape future LiA Network activity via the LiA Network Development Group which has been set up to act as an anchor in the effective co-design and co-production of the LiA Network. The majority of the events are being delivered online. From recent feedback from our first in-person event, we are aware that in-person events may not be accessible for all and we continue to gauge the appetite and ability for colleagues to travel and participate in in-person events, and to try to develop a balance in our offers of support that blends accessibility with potential for work in depth.

Proposals for distribution of Programme spend were developed in close collaboration with partners across the sector, including CSPP Strategic Leads and COSLA (representing all of Scotland’s 32 councils). The approach and allocation formula for Element 1 funding have been developed in consultation with stakeholders, including the governance groups, Ministers and relevant COSLA governance processes. Following engagement with stakeholders, including The Promise Scotland, third sector, health and local government, the WFWF programme was split into 3 distinct Elements (outlined above). Element 1 is to be spent and delivered according to the collective agreement and direction of the local CSPP with accountability resting with each strategic Children’s Services Planning governance forum.

Children’s Services Planning is Scotland’s partnership approach to local authority and health boards working together with other public and third sector organisations in local areas, as well as children, young people and families, to plan and deliver services and support which safeguard, support and promote wellbeing and improve outcomes. Element 2 ensures that a LiA Network and associated online KHub provide an online platform to share learning, facilitate peer support and collaborate for all CSPPs. We have set up a LiA Network Development Group to help us shape future LiA Network activity. This group is open to all CSPPs but we particularly encourage those from rural CSPP areas to join to ensure that LiA Network activity is responsive to and aligned with needs identified across Scotland as a whole. Element 3 aims to take a cross Scottish Government approach to system change, through the 12 projects led by wider Scottish Government policy teams, which will progress the aims of the WFWF.

The consultation with stakeholders, outlined above, included engagement with COSLA which represents all 32 Local Authorities in Scotland. We continue to engage with COSLA and all CSPPs, including those covering island communities, as the programme develops.

We have engaged with island CSPPs including Highlands and Island Chief Social Work Officers Group on this impact assessment. The overall responsibility for decision-making on use of Element 1 funding in local areas remains with CSPPs. CSPPs should ensure that the decisions are based on the assessment of local need including the CSPPs Joint Strategic Needs Assessment identifying local needs of children, young people and families to inform current/proposed service provision (updating this as necessary to include further data and evidence).

Additionally, CSPPs’ planning and decision-making for WFWF programme must be collaborative, drawing on the expertise and knowledge of those locally, including Third Sector, child poverty leads, practitioner networks etc to inform a thorough understanding of the family support provision across the local area. The funding approach needs to reflect local diversity, whilst providing assurance on the delivery of shared high level outcomes.

In line with Children’s Rights and statutory guidance on Improving outcomes for children, young people and families: review of Children’s Services Plans and strategic engagement activity - (, CSPPs are required to engage with children, young people and families in the design of their services. Therefore, the local CSPPs will determine what consultation events are required and what questions they need to ask according to local circumstances.



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