Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF) Programme - year 2: process and impact evaluation - full report

Full report of the year 2 process and impact evaluation of the Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF).

Annex 4: WFWF Logic Model (developed by Scottish Government)

Figures 16 - 19 WFWF Programme Logic Models at June 2024. Please note this is a high-resolution graphic, details can be viewed more clearly by zooming in.

Text only description of WFWF Logic Model, version from June 2024

Overall Aim

Every family that needs support gets the right family support at the right time, for as long as it is needed, to fulfil children’s rights to be raised safely in their own families.

Core components for Holistic Whole Family Support, these components underpin the logic model and help organise it according to what is set out in the Routemap (Scottish Government, 2022c): Children and Families at the Centre of service design; Availability and Access; Whole System Approach; Leadership, Workforce, and Culture. For clarity, separate, but interconnected logic models are presented for each core component.

Inputs (relevant to models for all core components)

Inputs from CSPPs include collaborative leadership across local level; Children’s Services workforce and organisations’ time (all Children’s Services partners); Children’s Services Plans; workforce skills and experience; organisational cultures of learning and system change; coordination and information sharing across WFWF; Children, Young People and Families (CYPF) consultation evidence; self-assessment evidence; local evaluations; local funding.

Inputs from Scottish Government include: funding for Elements 1, 2 and 3; strategic and operational staff time, skills and experience (Elements 1-3, including Collaborative Partnership support); coordination and information sharing across WFWF; coordination and information sharing across WFWF; collaborative leadership across national level; organisational cultures of learning and system change; CYPF consultation evidence; Advisory support groups (FSAG, CFNLG).

Inputs from other stakeholders include external consultants, experts, and evaluators (inc. WFWF evaluation evidence); other UK Government Departments.

Inputs related to policy and legislation include: CSP Statutory Guidance; Family Support Principles; GIRFEC; The Promise; UNCRC.

Logic model for Children and Families at the Centre of service design

Activities (at local level)

  • FS managers and practitioners engage with diverse range of CYPF with experience of using these services on service design.


  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners plan for and develop means to enhance participation of CYPF in service design based on engagements.
  • FS managers and practitioners implement plans for participation.

Early Outcomes (Outcomes towards the top of the list are expected to emerge sooner (evidence from the end of year 1) than those towards the bottom (from year 2 to end of WFWF)

  • FS managers and practitioners develop engagement, feedback collection and co-design skills.
  • CYPF are actively, regularly and meaningfully engaged in service design.
  • FS managers and practitioners collate and analyse service design feedback (See connection to outcome: FS managers analyse CYPF feedback and monitoring data to inform multi-agency and partnership planning).
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners begin embedding national principles for holistic whole family support in their own systems and services (focus on prevention + early intervention).
  • CYPF say that services are designed to be: free of stigma; rights-led; and to meet their specific needs.
  • More CYPF receive whole family support through referrals or self-referrals.

Intermediate Outcomes (some evidence available by end of Funding), lower certainty of Funding contribution to outcomes

  • CYPF recognise available support is informed by them and feel their contributions influence service design.
  • CYPF say they feel positive and trusting of services as result of implemented changes to service design.

Logic model for Availability and Access

Activities (at local level)

  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners identify and plan for family support with an early intervention and preventative focus.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners develop plans for improving access to services for CYPF.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners develop plans for pilot programmes.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners begin to scale up effective approaches to service delivery.


  • Strategic leaders and FS managers align WFWF plans to logic model.
  • CSPPs WFWF activity plans accepted by all partners.

Early Outcomes (Outcomes towards the top of the list are expected to emerge sooner (evidence from the end of year 1) than those towards the bottom (from year 2 to end of WFWF)

  • FS managers and practitioners start to redesign/design delivery of new WFS services (as per local strategic plans), including removing barriers for CYPF to accessing support. (See connection to outcomes of: FS managers analyse CYPF feedback to inform multi-agency and partnership planning; See connection to: CSPPs begin to shift towards non-siloed and aligned FS funding that matches scale of need).
  • CYPF are aware of how to access relevant FS support.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners begin embedding national principles for holistic whole family support in their own systems and services (focus on prevention + early intervention). (See connection to outcome: CYPF say that services are designed to be: free of stigma; rights-led; and to meet their specific needs).
  • CYPF say they feel positive and trusting of services as result of implemented changes to service design.
  • More CYPF receive whole family support through referrals or self-referrals.
  • CYPF take up services.
  • CYPF say family support is accessible and provides early help and support where and when it suits them.

Intermediate Outcomes (some evidence available by end of Funding), lower certainty of Funding contribution to outcomes

  • Parents/carers say they are more able to access employability and other support to improve their finances.
  • CYPF needs are met by the right service for their needs (spectrum between universal and targeted, intensive services).
  • CYPF individual outcomes improve (e.g. confidence; social capital/connections; attendance at school; parental financial literacy).

Logic model for Whole System Approach

Activities (at local level)

  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and partners identify means for needs assessment, system analysis and change planning (inc. reviewing service budgets).
  • CSPPs complete local assessment of needs and develop plans for system change (inc. mechanisms for multi-agency communication and working).
  • Strategic leaders and partners review/establish governance arrangements for WFWF activity.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners develop plans for pilot programmes.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners begin to scale up effective approaches to service delivery.


  • Strategic leaders and FS managers align WFWF plans to logic model.
  • CSPPs WFWF activity plans accepted by all partners. (See connection to outcome: FS managers and practitioners start to redesign/design delivery of new WFS services (as per local strategic plans), including removing barriers for CYPF to accessing support (e.g. making improvements to access pathways and referral processes)).
  • Strategic leaders and FS managers put in place/modify systems to collect monitoring data on key indicators.
  • FS managers and practitioners establish/enhance processes to gather regular feedback on services from CYPF. Data and views made available at CSPP strategic level to inform change.
  • CSPPs expand use of local, multi-agency services to coordinate family support. (See connection to outcome: Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners begin to develop a holistic workforce approach).
  • CSPPs and SG identify and share good practice with CSPPs and partners (shared at senior levels).

Early Outcomes (Outcomes towards the top of the list are expected to emerge sooner (evidence from the end of year 1) than those towards the bottom (from year 2 to end of WFWF)

  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners (inc. 3rd Sector partners) are working more collaboratively and with adult services.
  • FS managers collect and analyse CYPF feedback and monitoring data.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners use new knowledge of good practice.
  • CSPPs plan to shift towards non-siloed and aligned FS funding that matches scale of need.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners use analysed CYPF evidence (feedback + data) to inform multi-agency and partnership planning and service delivery.
  • CSPPs’ plans related to holistic family support align with evidence of CYPF & local need (local and national data), and national priorities. (See connection to: FS managers and practitioners say that there is cross-sectoral commitment that enables them to collaborate to deliver HFS and that children’s services culture empowers them to innovate to deliver HFS.)
  • Strategic leaders set local budgets to invest in planning system change.
  • Increased WFS service capacity among CSPP partners – plans available for integrating scaled and new services.
  • Element 2 specific outcome: CSPPs demonstrate increased capacity and capability to do transformation work.

Intermediate Outcomes (some evidence available by end of Funding), lower certainty of Funding contribution to outcomes

  • All CSPP partners (inc. 3rd Sector) and SG agree that they are equal partners in collaborative, multi-agency delivery of family support.
  • SG provides proportionate FS funding that is non-siloed and aligned.

Logic model for Leadership, Workforce, and Culture

Activities (at local level)

  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and partners identify means for needs assessment, system analysis and change planning (inc. reviewing service budgets).
  • CSPPs complete local assessment of needs and develop plans for system change (inc. mechanisms for multi-agency communication and working).
  • Strategic leaders and partners review/establish governance arrangements for WFWF activity.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers plan for and procure support, recruiting managerial and frontline posts (where needed) to deliver plans.
  • CSPP vacancies filled. (See connection to output: CSPPs begin to test new system approaches to family support (where relevant, as per strategic plans).
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers plan for training and upskilling for new or existing workforce.


  • Reporting mechanisms within CSPPs are streamlined, accessible, and less bureaucratic.
  • CSPPs and SG identify and share good practice with CSPPs and partners (shared at senior levels).
  • FS managers and practitioners receive training to support skill development and wellbeing.

Early Outcomes (Outcomes towards the top of the list are expected to emerge sooner (evidence from the end of year 1) than those towards the bottom (from year 2 to end of WFWF)

  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners use new knowledge of good practice.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners (inc. 3rd Sector partners) are working more collaboratively and with adult services.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners begin to develop a holistic workforce approach.
  • Increased WFS service capacity among CSPP partners – plans available for integrating scaled and new services.
  • CSPPs’ plans related to holistic family support align with evidence of CYPF & local need (local and national data), and national priorities.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners implement initiatives to develop a culture in CSPPs that encourages and empowers them to develop innovative FS solutions.
  • Element 2 specific outcome: CSPPs demonstrate increased capacity and capability to do transformation work.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners (inc. 3rd Sector) and SG have clear & shared understanding of families’ needs and how services are experienced across whole system
  • FS managers and practitioners say that there is cross-sectoral commitment that enables them to collaborate to deliver HFS and that children’s services culture empowers them to innovate to deliver HFS.
  • Strategic leaders, FS managers and practitioners’ wellbeing is improved and integral to delivery of FS.

Intermediate Outcomes (some evidence available by end of Funding), lower certainty of Funding contribution to outcomes

  • Strategic leaders, FS managers (inc. 3rd Sector) and SG demonstrate a collaborative, co-productive approach to planning, working culture, and delivery.
  • All CSPP partners (inc. 3rd Sector) and SG agree that they are equal partners in collaborative, multi-agency delivery of family support.

Long-term Outcomes (models for all core components will contribute to these), lower certainty of Funding contribution to outcomes:

  • Improved family wellbeing
  • Reduced inequalities in family wellbeing
  • Reduction in families requiring crisis intervention
  • Reduction in the number of children and young people living away from their families
  • Increase in families taking up wider supports
  • Sustainable Whole Family Support service provision maintained through budget allocations

Notes: Activities, Outputs, and Early Outcomes and extent of achievement of these may continue to differ between CSPPs. This logic model acknowledges that each CSPP will have different priorities for the funding and will be at different stages in their planning and delivery journey.


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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