Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF) Programme - year 2: process and impact evaluation - full report

Full report of the year 2 process and impact evaluation of the Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF).

Annex 6: WFWF initial plan template

Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF) – Initial Plans Template

As part of the WFWF for 2022-23, the Scottish Government is asking Children’s Services Planning Partnerships (CSPPs) to share their high-level plans for this funding, as well as any initial activity that has been carried out by the point the template is submitted, if relevant. It is anticipated that these plans will refer to work that is taking place up to July 2023, a full year after funding has been allocated. However, any additional information on how the work in 2022-23 will inform future planning is welcomed.

A template has been provided below to allow the sharing of relevant information. As part of the independently commissioned evaluation of WFWF for 2022-2023, further research will be carried out in 6 case study areas. Case studies will be selected to cover areas with a range of characteristics, including tranche 2 areas, and will be agreed in discussion with the CSPP. If your CSPP is selected as a case study area, the evaluator(s) will contact you to arrange interviews with key staff and may seek further clarification on the information below.

Please send returns via your CSP Strategic Lead to wholefamilywellbeing@gov.scot by Monday 3 October 2022. Should you wish to access support or have any questions in completing this template, please also contact wholefamilywellbeing@gov.scot

For completion

1. Children’s Services Planning Partnership Area:

Who is the lead contact for this return? i.e. the CSPP Strategic Lead contact.

Please provide the contact information

2. Current approach to Whole Family Support.

Different areas of Scotland are at different stages in developing their response to the Promise priority of delivering holistic whole family support (Promise Plan 2021-24). Please summarise how you have responded to this priority so far, including who has been involved, how the need for change has been assessed and what changes are in progress to delivery this priority.

3. Planning - please provide a high level outline of what you are seeking to achieve with this funding.

Please provide an outline of:

  • what activities are planned*
  • the approximate amount to be spent on each activity, including whether CSPPs wish to award a portion of the WFWF to other parties such as Third Sector Interfaces.
  • an indicative timeline with key milestones for each activity, where possible

Examples of activities may include:

  • local assessments of need and engagement with children and families
  • identification of good practice and scale-up of transformative and effective whole family support services
  • engagement with service delivery partners
  • building capacity within the CSPP, for example staffing, training, leadership support
  • analysis of local systems and planning for system change

Each CSPP will have different priorities for this funding and will be at different stages in their planning and delivery process. Planned activities are likely to reflect the current position around whole family support and there is no expectation that a CSPP will carry out all of the activities listed above. CSPPs may choose to prioritise a small number of activities accounting for resources made available. The ‘Supporting Families: A National Self-Assessment Toolkit for Change’ should assist CSPPs in undertaking these activities and will be circulated separately.

*Please identify any activities which are directly related to the Promise Plan 21-24 or the Bright Futures: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022 to 2026.

4. Please set out what early outcomes you anticipate from these activities within the first year of the WFWF (by June 2023) and what the baseline position is in relation to these outcomes.

What are the early outcomes for each activity planned to use the WFWF support? Please refer to any relevant early outcomes for the WFWF identified in the draft logic model (circulated separately), where possible. What is the current baseline for each early outcome? Where available, please include any baseline data you have.

5. Please outline how you will monitor progress at the local level.

We’d like to understand how you intend to monitor progress at the local level and what specific sources of evidence will you need to assess progress against these activities and early outcomes (e.g. existing routine data collections, management information, new research)? Please note we do not require separate reporting of these measures, other than through the usual CSP annual report.


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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