Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF) Programme - year 2: process and impact evaluation - full report

Full report of the year 2 process and impact evaluation of the Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF).

Annex 7: WFWF maturity model

A ‘maturity model’ was developed in March 2023 and updated in October 2024 as part of the Year 1 evaluation to group CSPPs into categories based on the stage of their journey to delivering transformative whole family support, and to help illustrate findings from the analysis. The maturity model is presented in Figure 20 below, showing where CSPPs are in terms of their maturity.

The maturity model in was initially developed using the data provided in the initial WFWF plans provided by CSPPs. This model was designed to illustrate broadly how far into their journey CSPPs were and what sorts of activities they planned to use WFWF for. The model was then updated based on the Year 1 evaluation data (orange dots below) and again based on the Year 2 evaluation data (blue dots).

The X axis outlines the three categories of maturity:

  • Early, have either not begun their transformational journey, with no delivery or scoping work conducted to date, or have engaged only in preliminary scoping or research.
  • Moderate, have a good understanding of existing need or delivery from scoping work already completed, or have begun some early delivery, in a few instances in the form of small pilot programme.
  • Advanced, are well into their journey, already delivering a substantial amount of holistic whole family support. This may be because they have good local evidence on which their WFWF plans are based on.

The Y axis refers to the type of activities they had undertaken as part of WFWF. It is worth noting that many CSPPs outline some combination of the three different kinds of activity, and this categorisation looks at their primary focus for the WFWF, i.e. the largest or most significant element activities outlined.

It is worth noting that this model relies entirely on information provided in CSPPs’ annual reports. As such, this model may rely on partial information, with some activities not included in annual reports that could affect where CSPPs fall within this model.

Figure 20 CSPP whole family maturity model
A graphic plotting the number of CSPPs against the stage of their family support journey (early, moderate, and advanced) and their type of activities (exploratory, transforming delivery, and scaling up). Compared to where CSPPs were within the version of the model at the end of Year 1, a greater number of CSPPs have demonstrated they are at a moderate (17 CSPPs compared to 13 CSPPs) or advanced stage of maturity (11 CSPPs compared to nine CSPPs). Six CSPP moved from an early stage of maturity to moderate stage. One CSPP is categorised as ‘early’ and ‘exploratory’; six CSPPs categorised as ‘moderate’ and ‘exploratory’; one CSPP is categorised as ‘advanced’ and ‘exploratory’; one CSPP is categorised as ‘early’ and ‘transforming delivery’; 10 CSPPs are categorised as ‘moderate’ and ‘transforming delivery’; five CSPPs are categorised as ‘advanced’ and ‘transforming delivery’; one CSPP is categorised as ‘moderate’ and ‘scaling up’; five CSPPs are categorised as ‘advanced’ and ‘scaling up’.


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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