
Mental health and wellbeing: whole school approach: framework

A whole school approach framework for schools to support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.


1. Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - (

2. Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Professional Learning Resource For All School Staff

3. Positive mental wellbeing - resources to support children and young people

4. How good is our school? - HGIOS 4 | Self-evaluation | National Improvement Hub (

5. CYPMH – Professional Learning Resource

6. Promoting children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing - GOV.UK (; Whole school approach | NCB

7. Health and Wellbeing across learning: experiences and outcomes

8. Human Rights: Children's Rights - (

9. Human rights: Children's rights - (

10. Positive mental wellbeing - resources to support children and young people | Learning resources | National Improvement Hub (

11. Applying nurture as a whole school approach - A framework to support self-evaluation | Self-evaluation | National Improvement Hub (

12. Respect for All: national approach to anti-bullying - (

13. Human rights: Children's rights - (

14. Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence

Health and wellbeing across learning: Experiences and outcomes (

15. Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on reducing the risks in schools - (

16. Health and wellbeing across learning: Experiences and outcomes ( Health and wellbeing: Experiences and outcomes (

17. Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 (

18. How good is our school? - HGIOS 4 | Self-evaluation

19. Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - (

Additional support for learning review - (

UNCRC Articles Archive - The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland (

20. Children and young people's mental health and wellbeing : a knowledge and skills framework for the Scottish workforce | Turas | Learn (

21. Standard-for-Full-Registration.pdf (

22. Professional Learning Resource - CYPMH

23. Support for the education workforce during covid-19 National Improvement Hub

24. Health and Wellbeing Census - (

25. How good is our school? - HGIOS 4 | Self-evaluation | National Improvement Hub (; Applying nurture as a whole school approach - A framework to support self-evaluation | Self-evaluation | National Improvement Hub (

26. LIAM Videos | Turas | Learn (

27. Home - The Promise

28. Health and wellbeing across learning: Experiences and outcomes ( Health and wellbeing: Experiences and outcomes (



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