
Widening the scope of the current victim statement scheme: consultation analysis

This report provides an analysis of responses to the Scottish Government’s (SG) consultation on “widening the scope of the current victim statement scheme” which ran from 1 September 2019 until 29 November 2019.

Consultation engagement

On 19 July 2019 SG officials met with Victim Support Scotland (VSS). This meeting helped to inform the questions that were included in this consultation and a consultation event held in November 2019. A summary of the points raised at this meeting is included at Annex A.

On 1 November 2019 SG officials held a consultation event which was attended by representatives of victim support organisations, justice organisations, and people with lived experience of crime. The event was an opportunity for the SG, along with representatives from the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) and VSS to: describe the current victim statement landscape; explain the rationale for the consultation; and explore the consultation document section by section. The consultation questions were then discussed in groups. Attendees were invited to either leave their group answers or use them to inform their individual responses to the consultation. A summary of points collated by facilitators is included at Annex B.

On 22 November SG officials met with Community Justice Scotland (CJS) to discuss the consultation. CJS used the outcomes of this meeting to inform their written response to the consultation.



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