
Wider Payment of the Living Wage in Scotland – Issues for Consideration

Reviews existing international research on impacts and practicalities of introducing the Living Wage and of promoting it through public contracts; and explores the views, experiences and suggestions for action of Scottish employers who have already introduced the Living Wage, Scottish Government contractors and stakeholder organisations.

Annex B: Advance Letters



The Scottish Government has commissioned Ipsos MORI, the independent research company, to undertake an assessment of the impact of the Living Wage in Scotland. The research is designed to explore employers' awareness of, and attitudes towards, the Living Wage in Scotland to inform the Scottish Government's approach to supporting the Living Wage.

Having reviewed the [Living Wage Foundation's/Glasgow City Council's] database of organisations that have introduced the Living Wage, Ipsos MORI has identified you as someone who is able to offer an important perspective on the themes to be addressed in the research. We are particularly interested in your views and experience of introducing the Living Wage within your organisation. For this reason, I am writing to you in the hope that you might agree to participate in an interview over the next week or two.

The interview will be conducted face to face and will last approximately 45 minutes. Any comments that you make will be treated in the strictest confidence and you will not be identifiable in any reports that we produce.

You do not need to do anything immediately, a member of the Ipsos MORI research team will phone you early next week to arrange a suitable date and time for the interview. If you would prefer not to participate, or if you would like further information about the research, please do not hesitate to contact Christopher McLean or Mark Diffley at Ipsos MORI on 0131 220 5699 or by email (; The Project Manager at the Scottish Government is Alison Stout, Equality and Poverty Research Team, who can be contacted on 0131 244 7371 or

Thank you for your time.

Yours Sincerely,

Mark Diffley
Research Director, Ipsos MORI Scotland



The Scottish Government has commissioned Ipsos MORI, the independent research company, to undertake an assessment of the impact of the Living Wage in Scotland. The research is designed to explore employers' awareness of, and attitudes towards, the Living Wage in Scotland to inform the Scottish Government's approach to supporting the Living Wage in the future.

The Scottish Government has identified you as someone who can offer an important perspective on the themes to be addressed in the research. We are particularly interested in your attitudes towards the Living Wage and ways in which the Scottish Government could support wider implementation. For this reason, I am writing to you in the hope that you might agree to participate in an interview over the next week or two.

The interview will be conducted by telephone and will last approximately 30 minutes. Any comments that you make will be treated in the strictest confidence and you will not be identifiable in any reports that we produce. Please find enclosed an information sheet providing some background information about the Living Wage.

You do not need to do anything immediately, a member of the Ipsos MORI research team will phone you early next week to arrange a suitable date and time for the interview. If you would prefer not to participate, or if you would like further information about the research, please do not hesitate to contact Christopher McLean or Mark Diffley at Ipsos MORI on 0131 220 5699 or by email (; The Project Manager at the Scottish Government is Alison Stout, Equality and Poverty Research Team, who can be contacted on 0131 244 7371 or

Thank you for your time.

Yours Sincerely,

Mark Diffley
Research Director, Ipsos MORI Scotland


Email: Alison Stout

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