
Wild salmon strategy: implementation plan 2023 to 2028

Plan setting out the actions to be taken over a five year period to 2028, to achieve the vision as outlined in the Scottish wild salmon strategy published in January 2022.

Overseeing Delivery - Next Steps

The Scottish Government will support the delivery of the Plan. Stakeholders will be invited to participate in a Delivery Group which will oversee the delivery, reporting and ongoing review of the Plan. The Delivery Group will be chaired by Scottish Government and will invite attendance from a wide range of key partners. The first meeting of the Group will be held within one month of publication of the Implementation Plan.

The provisional governance structure outlined in the draft Biodiversity Strategy includes the creation of a suite of topic based working groups (e.g. on freshwater and marine ecosystems and investment in nature) to support delivery. These groups will have a key role in the delivery of actions for the benefit of salmon and we will therefore look to ensure close integration and joint working as appropriate.

One of the initial tasks the Delivery Group will be the preparation of a Strategic Communication Plan. This will enable the key messages set out in the Strategy and the Plan to be widely promoted, raising awareness of the status of and threats to salmon among relevant sectors, authorities and the general public.

The Delivery Group will oversee progress and will publish a concise report annually. Through this process, the list of actions will be subject to ongoing review and adjustment to take account of emerging scientific evidence and other factors.

The Implementation Plan will cover a five-year period, to 2028, with a full review being undertaken thereafter.



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