
Wild salmon strategy: implementation plan 2023 to 2028

Plan setting out the actions to be taken over a five year period to 2028, to achieve the vision as outlined in the Scottish wild salmon strategy published in January 2022.

Delivery Framework

The Strategy set out in detail the five priority themes for action which are needed to realise the vision and objectives, and this complementary Plan sets out specific actions grouped within these themes.

DSFBs have statutory powers and duties to protect and improve salmon and sea trout fisheries within legally defined salmon fishery districts. Rivers and Fisheries Trusts (Trusts) are charitable organisations in Scotland working at catchment-scale to deliver habitat improvements and restoration works. DSFBs and Trusts, which often work in partnership, are key delivery partners for many of the actions within the Plan, playing a critical role in the management and conservation of salmon.

Salmon conservation spans a wide range of cross-cutting areas, some programmes of work listed here were designed with salmon as the primary focus e.g. policies designed to manage the interaction between wild and farmed fish whilst some were not e.g. River Basin Management Planning (RBMP). However, their importance for salmon is recognised, and the Delivery Group will ensure through continuous engagement that secondary benefits for salmon can be realised.

In addition, building an evidence base through coordinated scientific research and monitoring acts as an overarching area contributing significantly to actions within each of the five priority themes.

For each action a delivery lead (in bold) and collaborating partners, where appropriate, are stated.



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