
Wildlife crime in Scotland: annual report 2016

The fifth wildlife crime annual report, with new data from the financial year 2015-16.

A report on wildlife crime in Scotland in 2016, including information on incidence and prosecutions up to 2015-16, and on research, advice and other work relevant to wildlife crime.

This report covers wildlife crime offences from 2015-16, and draws on information from previous years where appropriate. Data is included from various sources including Scottish Government Justice Analytical Service, Police Scotland, Crown Office and other partner organisations.

The report includes:

  • five year summary data on recorded wildlife crimes, related court proceedings and penalties for 2011-12 to 2015-16;

  • further information on the 6 wildlife crime priority areas - badger persecution, bat persecution, CITES, freshwater pearl mussel crime, poaching and coursing and raptor persecution. Sections on hunting with dogs and trapping/snaring are also included;

  • updates from the Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW) Scotland;

  • information on the work of investigative bodies, agencies and other partner organisations.

Wildlife crime in Scotland: annual report 2016


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