
Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill: business and regulatory impact assessment

Estimates the costs, benefits and risks of the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill. It also considers how the Bill adheres to the five principles of better regulation: transparency, accountability, proportionality, consistency and targeted where appropriate.

10. Competition Assessment

There are no market effects considered to result from the proposals relating to grouse moor management, wildlife traps and muirburn. Therefore, there is considered to be no competition concern to suppliers and consumers; including those providing and using public services.

The prohibition on the purchase and use of glue traps will apply equally to the whole of Scotland so it is not considered that the measures will impact on competition. The new measures will not make it more difficult for a new retailer to enter the consumer rodent control sales market.

We are not aware of any supplier that exclusively sells glue traps, so we are confident that suppliers can pivot to alternative methods of rodent control (snap traps, humane traps, poison traps) that have better welfare outcomes.



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