
Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill: business and regulatory impact assessment

Estimates the costs, benefits and risks of the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill. It also considers how the Bill adheres to the five principles of better regulation: transparency, accountability, proportionality, consistency and targeted where appropriate.

18. Summary and Recommendation

Option 1: Do nothing

Glue traps

Total benefit per annum economic, environmental, social: No additional benefits A small number of businesses can continue to operate without change, using glue traps to control rodents.

Total cost per annum economic, environmental, social, policy and administrative: There would be no additional financial costs from retaining existing provisions. Retaining the status quo will continue to allow the considerable suffering of rodents and non-target species caught by glue traps.

Wildlife traps, grouse moor and muirburn licences

Total benefit per annum economic, environmental, social: No additional benefits

Total cost per annum economic, environmental, social, policy and administrative: There would be no additional financial costs from retaining existing provisions. By not taking forward the provisions in the Bill to further regulate the use of grouse moors and wildlife traps, the issue of wildlife crime will remain unaddressed, having a negative impact on the populations of raptor species, and the welfare of wild animals. The cost associated with not taking forward wildlife trap, grouse moor and muirburn licensing relate to the GMMG conclusion that the existing controls for these practices are not proving effective in guaranteeing appropriate and sustainable management.

Option 2: Adopt the provisions of the Bill

Glue traps

Total benefit per annum economic, environmental, social: Banning the purchase and use of glue traps will have an immediate positive impact on the welfare of rodents and non-target species. Glue traps are single use and non-recyclable, and many of their alternatives are re-usable, so this option would reduce the amount of waste associated with pest control going to landfill.

Total cost per annum economic, environmental, social, policy and administrative: The entire market for rodent glue traps in Scotland will be shut down. However, glue traps can still be sold so long as these are purchased for use and delivered outwith Scotland. Businesses and suppliers who are no longer able to sell glue traps, rodent control workers, who are unable to use glue traps in their work, and non-professional individuals and businesses, who may have chosen to use glue traps in the absence of a ban, are now unable to. Reduced options in dealing with rodent problems. Individuals and businesses will be required to adopt other methods of rodent control. There may be costs associated with the enforcement of these provisions, but they are expected to be low once suppliers reduce the availability of glue traps.

Wildlife traps, grouse moor management and muirburn licences

Total benefit per annum economic, environmental, social: The licensing of grouse moors will aid in the enforcement of wildlife crime, in particular, raptor persecution. The introduction of centralised licensing schemes for grouse moor, wildlife traps and muirburn, would reassure the public that Scottish Government is taking these concerns seriously. The potential for individuals and businesses to lose their grouse moor management, wildlife trap or muirburn licence is expected to act as a deterrent to illegal activity, and there is the expectation of a longer-term reduction in cases relating to these activities. The licensing schemes will allow for information to be gathered at national level, filling gaps in information highlighted by the GMMG report. This will assist future decision-making at a local and national level and enable an adaptive wildlife management approach to be taken, responding to changing circumstances.

Total cost per annum economic, environmental, social, policy and administrative: The organisations involved in the enforcement of the Bill and the operation of the licensing scheme may see a small cost associated with staff training. There may be a small, initial increase in cases relating to offences under the Bill. A small number of individuals and businesses will be required to adopt different way of working. NatureScot will see an increase in the number of licences processed.



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