
Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill: use of snares and powers of Scottish SPCA inspectors - consultation

This consultation is seeking views on topics the use of snares and cable restraints in Scotland and the powers of Scottish Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals. It will inform the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill.


This consultation is seeking views on topics related to wildlife management and the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill.

It is set out in 2 parts. Part 1 relates to the use of snares and cable restraints in Scotland and Part 2 addresses matters relating to the powers of Scottish Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals ("Scottish SPCA") inspectors. You can complete both sections in the consultation or only the section which is of interest/relevance to you.

This consultation supplements our previous consultation on wildlife management - Wildlife Management in Scotland: A Consultation ( which closed on 14 December 2022.


The Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill (the "Bill") was introduced to the Scottish Parliament on 21 March 2023.

In autumn 2022 the Scottish Government consulted on a range of proposals to be included in the Bill. The analysis of the responses to the Wildlife Management in Scotland consultation (the "consultation") was published on 3 April 2023.

While this consultation included some questions on the use of snares in Scotland, the consultation paper noted that "…[the Scottish Government] may undertake further consultation on additional proposals to amend the legislation governing the use of snares, at a later date."

It also noted that:

"Through an independent taskforce, [the Scottish Government will] consider whether the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Scottish SPCA) should be given extra legislative powers to investigate wildlife crime. This group will report before the end of 2022…Depending upon the recommendations of the review we may include provisions relating to the powers of Scottish SPCA in the Wildlife Management (Grouse) Bill, in which case a separate consultation with interested parties will be undertaken."

We are now seeking your views on these matters.



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