
Winter Vaccination Programme 2022 to 2023: COVID-19 and seasonal flu deployment plan

Annual plan including target groups and timescales.


Immunisation policy in Scotland is determined by Scottish Ministers and is guided by advice from the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and other appropriate bodies. The JCVI

  • assesses evidence and makes recommendations for all immunisation programmes, including the introduction of new immunisation programmes, or changes to existing programmes;
  • advises all UK Governments and the NHS in the four nations about all aspects of immunisation
  • supports implementation of all immunisation programmes

Before a vaccine is put into general use, it must be authorised by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) who consider a vaccine’s quality, safety and efficacy in preventing the particular disease for which it's intended. Once introduced, vaccines are constantly monitored so that any new side effects are quickly noticed and investigated.

We have been guided by the JCVI advice and our eligibility for winter vaccination has therefore been informed by their recommendations. In formulating their advice, the JCVI have recognised that throughout the pandemic COVID-19 has disproportionately affected those in older age groups, residents in care homes for older adults, and those with certain underlying health conditions, particularly those with weakened immune systems. Following vaccination, these same factors continue to identify those persons at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19. For the winter vaccination programme, the primary objective is to augment immunity in those at higher risk from COVID-19 and thereby optimise protection against severe COVID-19, specifically hospitalisation and death, over the winter months.

Flu is unpredictable and is a different virus from COVID-19, therefore different eligibility groups exist. The seasonal flu vaccine provides the best protection available against flu viruses that can cause severe illness, and can prevent transmission. The winter programme therefore aims to prioritise the roll out to the elderly and those who are most vulnerable to infection based upon clinical advice.

This winter will see a co-administration approach taken to the COVID-19 and flu vaccines. Where possible, those who are eligible (see table 1 below) will be offered both vaccines at the same appointment.

To check if you are eligible, please visit

We stand ready to consider JCVI advice about future vaccination beyond winter, including on whether further boosters should be offered in spring 2023.

Winter vaccinations eligibility table

Vaccine type


Flu and COVID-19

  • residents and staff in care homes for older adults
  • frontline Health and Social Care Workers (HSCW)
  • all adults aged 50 years and over
  • persons aged 5 to 49 years in a clinical risk group, as set out in the Green Book, chapter 14a, tables 3 and 4
  • persons aged 5 to 49 years who are household contacts of people with immunosuppression
  • persons aged 16 to 49 years who are carers, as set out in the Green Book, chapter 14a, table 3

Flu only

  • those aged 16 to 49 years with an eligible health condition, including well controlled asthma (Green Book chapter 19, table 19.4)
  • children aged 6 months to 2 years with an eligible health condition
  • all children aged 2 to 5 years (not yet at school)
  • all primary and secondary school pupils
  • nursery, primary and secondary school teachers and pupil-facing support staff in local authority or independent settings
  • prison population, prison officers and support staff who deliver direct front-facing detention services.
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