
Withdrawal of West Edinburgh Direction 2016: Chief Planner letter - 29 June 2023

Letter issued by the Chief Planner withdrawing ‘The Town and Country Planning (notification of major applications) (housing proposals within West Edinburgh) Direction 2016’ with immediate effect.

On 24 March 2016, the Scottish Ministers directed the City of Edinburgh Council to notify them of major applications involving housing proposals, within a catchment area within West Edinburgh, should they wish to grant consent. This direction was given in view of the national importance of West Edinburgh, which was identified in the National Planning Framework 3 as a significant location for investment, being in proximity to the airport, the National Showground and the International Business Gateway.

Since this notification has been in place, Scottish Ministers have considered a number of relevant proposals within West Edinburgh.

The Scottish Government adopted National Planning Framwork 4 (NPF4) on 13 February 2023 and West Edinburgh is no longer a national development. It is considered that the above direction has fulfilled its purpose and is no longer required and it has therefore been withdrawn today with immediate effect.

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