
Women's health plan: progress report

The Women's Health Plan aims to improve health outcomes and health services for all women and girls in Scotland. This first report sets out the progress made to date against the Plan's short term actions, and an update on medium term actions where progress is already being made.

Gender and health: progress against the short-term actions

Action 55: Establish a Health Equality team within the Scottish Government, to pursue intersectional healthcare policy with a particular focus on sex, race, disability and sexual orientation.

  • A Heath Equality Team has been established in the Scottish Government.

Action 56: Encourage NHS boards to engage with the Equally Safe at Work employer accreditation programme.

  • Close the Gap are developing and delivering a tailored version of Equally Safe at Work to pilot in NHS Boards in Scotland (Jun 2022 – July 2023).
  • Four NHS Boards are participating in the pilot which commenced in July 2022.
  • A further five NHS Boards have signed up as 'shadow boards'.

Action 57: Ensure National Performance Indicators are disaggregated where appropriate.

  • National Performance Indicators have been reviewed and disaggregated where appropriate.
  • All of the 11 National Outcomes have at least one indicator disaggregated by Gender.

These disaggregations are regularly updated and published in the NPF database, which is available for download from the NPF website.

Beyond the short term

Action 58: Build an intersectional evidence base around women's health inequalities ensuring women's healthy life expectancy and quality of life are used as measures in addition to total life expectancy.

Action 59: Build an evidence base on women's health inequalities, with specific focus on the impact of sexism, racism, ableism, and other forms of discrimination, including homophobia, and transphobia on women's health.

  • Four focus groups have taken place with women across Scotland from different backgrounds: 16-25 group; over 25 group; women from ethnic minority background group; and women with a disability group (14 participants total).
  • In-depth interviews with young people aged 16-25 started in Autumn 2022.
  • Scoping work has begun on quantitative work to develop a women's health data dashboard that includes life expectancy, healthy life expectancy and quality of life.



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