
Women’s Justice Leadership Panel: remit

Remit of the Women’s Justice Leadership Panel.


The proposal is for a panel to support a work stream which will:

  • demonstrate that the experience of women in the justice system is different to men’s
  • promote consistent understanding of gendered issues within the justice system

It is hoped that the above will improve the operationalisation of a gender informed justice system which will support better outcomes for women.

This expert panel is a soundboard to support innovation, influence plans, determine priorities and have the function to request relevant research all with the aim of improving the justice system for women.

This work will include analysing the regular sets of published data to see if there are lessons to be learned and initiatives to be taken forward. It will review written evidence and be presented with oral evidence through plenary sessions.

The panel will provide challenge and opinion which may help to:

  • support the need for system change
  • provide a consistent narrative and promote understanding of gender competency and cultural change
  • identify areas for improvement, prioritisation and levers that can unlock change

The panel will sign off a report at the end of its work outlining its conclusions and findings.


First meeting held in January of 2022.

The panel meet every four to six weeks, with the meetings lasting no more than two hours, up to summer 2022 after which it will publish a report of its findings. 

The secretariat and report writing will be carried out by SG officials, this will be likely from the VAWG Justice Unit. The panel will also require input from SG analysts, researchers and statisticians.

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