Enterprise and Skills Board: strategic plan

This full plan provides clarity around strategic direction to enterprise and skills agencies and a blueprint to Government to turn up the dial on productivity and drive inclusive and sustainable economic growth.


1. 1: Agree skills demand assessment, 2: Joint provision planning, 3: Integrated Processes For Progressing Institutional Outcome Agreements & Commissioning With Training Providers, 4: Co-Ordinated Outcome Agreement Execution & Training Provider Contract Management, and 5: Joint review and evaluation.

2. Meta-skills are higher-order skills - self-management, social and emotional intelligence innovation skills - that enable others skills to be developed.

3. https://www.gov.scot/About/Performance/scotPerforms/purposetargets/productivity#Chart

4. https://www.gov.scot/About/Performance/scotPerforms/purposetargets/productivity

5. https://data.oecd.org/inequality/income-inequality.htm

6. Poverty: /publications/poverty-income-inequality-scotland-2014-17/ Gender pay gap: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2017 Life expectancy: National Records Scotland 2014-2016 life expectancy in Scottish areas

7. National Records of Scotland:

8. Annual Population Survey- Jan-Dec 2016

9. HESA EU domiciled students 2016/17, SFC Infact EU college students 2016/17

10. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/datasets/migrationstatisticsquarterlyreportprovisionallongterminternationalmigrationltimestimates

11. Fraser of Allander (2018) Scotland in 2050: Realising our global potential -

12. Brynjolfsson, Erik and Andrew McAfee (2013), The Second Machine Age: An Industrial Revolution Powered by Digital Technologies

13. http://ipcc.ch/report/sr15/

14. Bloom, N., & Van Reenen, J. (2010). Why do management practices differ across firms and countries? The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol 24, No 1. pp203-224.

15. Appelbaum, E., Gittell, J.H. & Leana, C. (2010). High-performance work practices and sustainable economic growth. Washington: CEPR, Centre for Economic Policy Research.

16. UK Employer Skill Survey 2017, DFE

17. Keep (2016) Improving Skills Utilisation in the UK - Some Reflections on What, Who and How?, SKOPE -

18. Findlay et al (2016a) Exploring the evidence: opportunities for fair, innovative and transformative work in Scotland.

19. Scottish Government (2018) Digital Economy Business Survey 2017 -

20. Scottish Government 2018 Scotland's Digital Economy Maturity Index -

21. Buchanan, J., Kelley, B., & Hatch, A. (2016) Digital workplace and culture -

22. Marr (2015) Big Data: Using Smart Big Data, Analytics and Metrics to Make Better Decisions and Improve Performance

23. Buchanan, J., Kelley, B., & Hatch, A. (2016) Digital workplace and culture -

24. Oxford Economics (2017) in Skills Development Scotland (2018) Jobs and Skills In Scotland -

25. World Economic Forum (2017) The Global Risks Report 2017 -

26. World Economic Forum (2017) Realizing Human Potential in the Fourth Industrial Revolution -

27. 'Skills 4.0, a skills model to drive Scotland's future" (Feb 2018) by the Centre for Work-Based Learning

28. Scottish Government (2018) Scotland's population needs and migration policy: discussion paper -

29. Annual Population Survey (2017) Jan-Dec datasets, ONS

30. UK Employers Skill Survey 2017, DFE

31. 1: Agree skills demand assessment, 2: Joint provision planning, 3: Integrated Processes For Progressing Institutional Outcome Agreements & Commissioning With Training Providers, 4: Co-Ordinated Outcome Agreement Execution & Training Provider Contract Management, and 5: Joint review and evaluation.

32. ScaleUp Institute (2014) The scale-up report on UK economic growth -

33. Scottish Government 2018 Scotland's Digital Economy Maturity Index -

34. https://www.ons.gov.uk/businessindustryandtrade/business/activitysizeandlocation/datasets/businessdemographyreferencetable

35. Turnbull and Richmond, (2018).

36. http://www.evaluationsonline.org.uk/evaluations/Search.do?ui=basic&action=show&id=644

37. David Skilling (2016) Report to the Enterprise and Skills Review 2016

38. Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec 2016.

39. Fraser of Allander (2018) Scotland in 2015 Realising our Global Potential -

40. Fraser of Allander (2018) Scotland in 2015 Realising our Global Potential -

41. 'Grow, Export, Attract, Support', Universities Scotland



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