Working in partnership with scrutiny bodies: advice note

This advice note summarises the powers and responsibilities of our respective health and social care scrutiny bodies and sets out the rationale for how Integration Authorities can work jointly with these organisations.

6. Joined up scrutiny

6.1 The Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Accounts Commission and Auditor General for Scotland each have distinct statutory responsibilities for the audit, scrutiny and improvement of organisations providing health and care services in Scotland. The core work of the various scrutiny bodies is set out in detail at Annex A. However, there are some areas where their duties have the potential to overlap. For example, in relation to arrangements for governance and accountability, achieving Best Value, performance management or community planning.

6.2 The Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Accounts Commission and Auditor General for Scotland are committed to ensuring that their work contributes to providing assurance that health and care services in Scotland are operating efficiently and effectively and delivering Best Value; and that their recommendations lead to demonstrable improvements in service delivery. These organisations work to ensure that audits and inspections are risk-based and proportionate, delivered efficiently and effectively and do not place an unreasonable burden on Local Authorities and Health Boards. In fulfilling their duty to co-operate, they are committed to:

  • Joint discussions on planning our audit, scrutiny and improvement work, including sharing risk assessments (SRA).
  • Sharing relevant information and respecting confidentiality of shared information.
  • Maintaining effective communication and liaison.
  • Working together where appropriate.
  • Sharing knowledge, skills, expertise and experience.



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