
XX Commonwealth Games Visitor Study: Economic Impact Report

This report estimates the economic impact of visitors (including volunteers and associated media) to the XX Commonwealth Games.

B. Annex B - Expenditure Tables: Event Visitors

Table B.1 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending the Games by Location of Spending (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £51.07 £2.26 £53.34 £10.85 £64.18
Food and drink bought to take away £19.12 £0.83 £19.95 £3.93 £23.89
Fares £12.10 £0.51 £12.62 £2.42 £15.04
Fuel £4.39 £0.19 £4.58 £0.93 £5.51
Parking £0.74 £0.03 £0.78 £0.16 £0.94
Merchandise/ programmes £16.21 £0.73 £16.94 £3.49 £20.43
Retail purchases £ 12.42 £0.54 £12.96 £2.53 £15.49
Other spend £1.42 £0.07 £1.50 £0.37 £1.87
Accommodation £9.50 £3.27 £12.78 £15.74 £28.51
TOTAL £126.99 £8.44 £135.43 £40.43 £175.86

Table B.2 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending the Games by Location of Spending - Scottish Residents Excluding Glasgow and Clyde Valley (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £9.67 £0.33 £9.99 £1.39 £11.39
Food and drink bought to take away £3.99 £0.14 £4.13 £0.62 £4.76
Fares £3.21 £0.08 £3.29 £0.26 £3.56
Fuel £1.09 £0.03 £1.12 £0.11 £1.23
Parking £0.14 £0.00 £0.14 £0.02 £0.16
Merchandise/ programmes £3.13 £0.10 £3.22 £0.39 £3.61
Retail purchases £2.17 £0.08 £2.25 £0.35 £2.60
Other spend £0.03 £0.00 £0.03 £0.00 £0.04
Accommodation £0.31 £0.41 £0.73 £1.00 £1.73
TOTAL £23.74 £1.17 £24.92 £4.15 £29.07

Table B.3 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending the Games by Location of Spending - Non-Scottish Residents (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £29.21 £1.76 £30.97 £9.25 £40.22
Food and drink bought to take away £9.92 £0.60 £10.52 £3.13 £13.65
Fares £6.73 £0.40 £7.12 £ 2.08 £9.20
Fuel £2.66 £0.15 £2.81 £0.77 £3.58
Parking £0.46 £0.03 £0.49 £0.15 £0.64
Merchandise/ programmes £9.55 £0.58 £10.13 £3.03 £13.16
Retail purchases £6.61 £0.40 £7.01 £2.10 £ 9.12
Other spend £1.20 £0.07 £1.28 £0.39 £1.66
Accommodation £9.34 £2.89 £12.23 £14.93 £27.16
TOTAL £75.70 £6.86 £82.57 £35.82 £118.39

Table B.4 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending Glasgow 2014 Events by Location of Spending (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £40.04 £1.92 £41.97 £9.47 £51.44
Food and drink bought to take away £15.92 £0.73 £16.65 £3.56 £20.21
Fares £9.92 £0.46 £10.38 £2.23 £12.61
Fuel £3.98 £0.18 £4.16 £0.86 £5.02
Parking £0.60 £0.03 £0.63 £0.14 £0.77
Merchandise/ programmes £14.11 £0.66 £14.78 £3.25 £18.02
Retail purchases £8.49 £0.43 £8.92 £2.17 £11.09
Other spend £1.32 £0.07 £1.40 £0.36 £1.76
Accommodation £9.40 £3.09 £12.48 £15.19 £27.68
TOTAL £103.79 £7.58 £111.37 £37.25 £148.61

Table B.5 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending Glasgow 2014 Events by Location of Spending - Scottish Residents Excluding Glasgow and Clyde Valley (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £6.63 £0.24 £6.86 £1.04 £7.90
Food and drink bought to take away £2.95 £0.11 £3.06 £0.47 £3.52
Fares £2.44 £0.06 £2.50 £0.21 £2.72
Fuel £0.94 £0.03 £0.96 £0.09 £1.06
Parking £0.11 £0.00 £0.11 £0.01 £0.13
Merchandise/ programmes £2.44 £0.07 £2.51 £0.30 £2.81
Retail purchases £1.15 £0.05 £1.20 £0.22 £1.42
Other spend £0.02 £0.00 £0.02 £0.00 £0.02
Accommodation £0.28 £0.42 £0.69 £0.83 £1.53
TOTAL £16.95 £0.97 £17.93 £3.18 £21.11

Table B.6 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending Glasgow 2014 Events by Location of Spending - Non-Scottish Residents (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £26.27 £1.59 £27.86 £8.36 £36.22
Food and drink bought to take away £9.36 £0.56 £9.92 £2.95 £12.88
Fares £6.35 £0.37 £6.72 £1.96 £8.68
Fuel £2.48 £0.14 £2.62 £0.73 £3.34
Parking £0.42 £0.03 £0.44 £0.13 £0.58
Merchandise/ programmes £9.17 £0.55 £9.72 £2.91 £12.63
Retail purchases £5.94 £0.36 £6.30 £1.89 £8.19
Other spend £1.20 £0.07 £1.28 £0.39 £1.66
Accommodation £ 9.25 £2.69 £11.95 £14.24 £26.19
TOTAL £70.45 £6.37 £76.82 £33.56 £110.38

Table B.7 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending Festival 2014 Events by Location of Spending (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £41.19 £1.77 £42.96 £8.40 £51.36
Food and drink bought to take away £13.83 £0.58 £14.41 £2.70 £17.11
Fares £8.17 £0.34 £8.51 £1.62 £10.13
Fuel £2.61 £0.11 £2.72 £0.52 £3.24
Parking £0.50 £0.02 £0.53 £0.10 £0.62
Merchandise/ programmes £12.89 £0.57 £13.46 £2.70 £16.16
Retail purchases £10.50 £0.44 £10.93 £2.04 £12.98
Other spend £0.92 £0.05 £0.97 £0.22 £1.19
Accommodation £6.39 £2.01 £8.40 £9.84 £18.24
TOTAL £97.00 £5.89 £102.89 £28.14 £131.03

Table B.8 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending Festival 2014 Events by Location of Spending - Scottish Residents Excluding Glasgow and Clyde Valley (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £7.38 £0.25 £7.63 £1.03 £8.66
Food and drink bought to take away £2.71 £0.09 £2.81 £0.41 £3.21
Fares £2.06 £0.05 £2.11 £0.17 £2.28
Fuel £0.74 £0.02 £0.76 £0.06 £0.82
Parking £0.10 £0.00 £0.10 £0.01 £0.11
Merchandise/ programmes £2.34 £0.07 £2.41 £0.27 £2.68
Retail purchases £1.89 £0.07 £1.95 £0.28 £2.24
Other spend £0.01 £0.00 £0.01 £0.00 £0.01
Accommodation £0.21 £0.38 £0.58 £0.70 £1.28
TOTAL £17.44 £0.92 £18.37 £2.93 £21.30

Table B.9 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending Festival 2014 Events by Location of Spending - Non-Scottish Residents (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £22.56 £1.36 £23.92 £7.17 £31.09
Food and drink bought to take away £6.73 £0.41 £7.14 £2.15 £9.28
Fares £4.36 £0.26 £4.63 £1.38 £6.01
Fuel £1.43 £0.08 £1.51 £0.44 £1.96
Parking £0.28 £0.02 £0.30 £0.09 £0.39
Merchandise/ programmes £7.33 £0.44 £7.77 £2.34 £10.11
Retail purchases £5.21 £0.32 £5.53 £1.66 £7.19
Other spend £0.76 £0.05 £0.80 £0.24 £1.05
Accommodation £6.33 £1.66 £7.99 £8.98 £16.97
TOTAL £54.99 £4.60 £59.59 £24.46 £84.05

Table B.10 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending the Merchant City Festival by Location of Spending (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £31.07 £1.13 £32.20 £4.26 £36.46
Food and drink bought to take away £9.81 £0.36 £10.17 £1.36 £11.53
Fares £5.92 £0.22 £6.13 £0.82 £6.95
Fuel £1.67 £0.07 £1.74 £0.27 £2.00
Parking £0.34 £0.01 £0.35 £0.05 £0.40
Merchandise/ programmes £9.60 £0.36 £9.96 £1.38 £11.34
Retail purchases £8.13 £0.28 £8.40 £1.03 £9.43
Other spend £0.51 £0.03 £0.54 £0.12 £0.66
Accommodation £4.91 £1.33 £6.24 £5.37 £11.61
TOTAL £71.96 £3.78 £75.74 £14.64 £90.38

Table B.11 Expenditure by Event Visitors attending the Merchant City Festival by Location of Spending - Scottish Residents Excluding Glasgow and Clyde Valley (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £5.94 £0.17 £6.11 £0.58 £6.70
Food and drink bought to take away £1.95 £0.07 £2.01 £0.24 £2.25
Fares £1.37 £0.02 £1.40 £0.05 £1.45
Fuel £0.29 £0.00 £0.30 £0.01 £0.31
Parking £0.03 £0.00 £0.03 £0.00 £0.04
Merchandise/ programmes £1.57 £0.03 £1.60 £0.08 £1.67
Retail purchases £1.62 £0.05 £1.67 £0.20 £1.87
Other spend £0.01 £0.00 £0.01 £0.00 £0.01
Accommodation £0.80 £0.22 £1.01 £0.87 £1.89
TOTAL £13.58 £0.57 £14.15 £2.04 £16.19

Table B.12 Expenditure by Event Visitors Attending the Merchant City Festival by Location of Spending - Non-Scottish Residents (£million)

Item Glasgow Clyde Valley Glasgow and Clyde Valley Rest of Scotland All Scotland
Food and drink in bars, restaurants etc. £16.07 £0.91 £16.99 £3.94 £20.93
Food and drink bought to take away £4.42 £0.25 £4.68 £1.09 £5.77
Fares £2.06 £0.12 £2.18 £0.50 £2.68
Fuel £0.51 £0.03 £0.54 £0.13 £0.67
Parking £0.19 £0.01 £0.20 £0.05 £0.25
Merchandise/ programmes £5.26 £0.30 £5.56 £1.30 £6.86
Retail purchases £2.77 £0.16 £2.93 £0.68 £3.60
Other spend £0.62 £0.04 £0.65 £0.15 £0.81
Accommodation £4.93 £1.28 £6.21 £5.31 £11.53
TOTAL £36.84 £3.10 £39.94 £13.15 £53.08


Email: Duncan Whitehead

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