
XX Commonwealth Games Visitor Study: Economic Impact Report

This report estimates the economic impact of visitors (including volunteers and associated media) to the XX Commonwealth Games.

D. Annex D - Glossary

The following terms have been used in this report:

All Visitor Groups

  • The three groups of visitors subject to this study including event visitors (those who attended the Games (i.e. one or more Glasgow 2014 and/or Festival 2014 events)), volunteers and media.

Additional non-displaced Impacts

  • Estimated changes in spending, output, employment or GVA which represent the net effect of Games events. That is estimated impacts after allowing for displacement of other activity and for effects which would have happened in the absence of the Games events (deadweight).

Event Visitors

  • Those visitors who attended the Games (i.e. one or more Glasgow 2014 and/or Festival 2014 events) - reflecting the group included in the visitor survey.

Festival 2014

  • A mix of entertainment, culture and enjoyment in public places in Glasgow during the Games period from 19 July to 3 August. This included the Opening and Closing Celebration events, other activities taking place at Live Zones across Glasgow (including Glasgow Green and Kelvingrove Bandstand) and numerous other organised cultural events across the city including the Merchant City Festival.

Festival 2014 Events

  • Those attending any ticketed or non-ticketed Festival 2014 events, including Merchant City Festival, Opening and Closing Celebrations and Live Zone activities.

Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

  • A job with standard full time hours which will exist year round is treated as one job (1 FTE). A full year part time job is treated as a fraction of an FTE depending on the number of hours worked and a seasonal job can be similarly be expressed as a fraction of an FTE based on hours worked as a proportion of those worked by someone employed year round.


  • The overall series of events within the scope of the study, including both Glasgow 2014 and Festival 2014 events and activities between 23 July and 3 August.

Games time

  • Period between 23 July and 3 August.

Glasgow 2014

  • Ticketed and non-ticketed sporting events taking place in Glasgow, at Strathclyde Country Park, Barry Budden Centre and Royal Commonwealth Pool between 23 July and 3 August. Also includes the Opening and Closing ceremonies.

Glasgow 2014 Visitors

  • Those visitors attending any ticketed or non-ticketed sport event and/or the Opening and Closing ceremonies.

Gross Value Added

  • A measure of the value of goods and services produced in a business, an area, an industry or a sector of an economy. It is the value of output from an activity minus the goods and services used up in producing the output (hence Value Added). It equates to the sum of incomes earned in the activity (Wages, Salaries, Profits and Rents).

Input - Output Framework

  • A framework for showing how all the households, sectors and industries in an economy are inter-connected in terms of sales and purchases to and from one another. An Input Output table will show, for example, how much the hotels industry purchases from the food industry, energy suppliers, transport and so on. It is then possible to use a framework based on the table to show that an increase of £x million in spending by tourists in (say) hotels will lead to increased demand for inputs throughout the economy. The Input Output framework enables this chain of sales and purchases to be traced through the economy and to show an increase in demand in one sector affects the whole economy in terms of increased output, GVA and employment.

Merchant City Festival

  • The Merchant City Festival is a 4 day multi-arts festival that takes place annually in Glasgow. During the Commonwealth Games, the size of the event was increased to take place throughout the duration of the Games, and became part of the over-arching Festival 2014.

Non-Displaced Impacts

  • Estimated changes in spending, output, employment or GVA which take account of offsetting reductions in spending, output, employment or GVA caused by expenditure within the economy being switched from other activities to Games related activity.


  • The monetary value of the goods produced in a firm, sector or economy in a given period.


Email: Duncan Whitehead

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