
XX Commonwealth Games Visitor Study: Visitor Survey Results Report

This report provides the survey results from the XX Commonwealth Games Visitor Survey.

3. Quality of Experience

3.1 This section provides details on the survey results relating to the quality of experiences while attending the Games. Key findings include:

  • In general, visitors provided very positive ratings for the events they attended and the overall visit experience. Most positively, 93% rated Scotland as a ‘very good’ place to visit while 87% provided this rating for Glasgow. 89% provided a ‘very good’ rating for the Glasgow 2014 events.
  • Following their experiences at the Games, 57% of visitors from outside of Glasgow stated that they would definitely visit Glasgow for a short break or holiday in the next 5 years.
  • More specifically, around a third of those visitors who had never been to Glasgow before stated that they would definitely visit again (32%).

Rating of experiences

3.2 Visitors were asked to rate their overall experiences whilst attending the Games.

3.3 As shown in Figure 3.1, the vast majority of visitors provided positive ratings for all of the aspects asked about. Most positively, 93% provided the highest ‘very good’ rating for Scotland as a place to visit while a slightly lower proportion provided this rating for Glasgow (87%).

3.4 89% provided a ‘very good’ rating for Glasgow 2014 events while 77% of those who attended provided this rating in relation to Festival 2014.

Figure 3.1. Rating quality of experiences (excluding Don’t Know responses)

Rating quality of experiences

Base: All respondents (2,214); Respondents attending Festival 2014 (1,470)

3.5 79% of those visitors who were on an overnight visits rated Glasgow as ‘very good’. By comparison VisitScotland statistics reported that amongst the normal overnight tourism market, 56% of visitors to Glasgow were ‘very satisfied’ with the overall experience in the city[12].

Previous visits and likelihood to return

3.6 Overall 15% of all visitors from outside of Glasgow were on their first visit to the city while 13% of those from outside of Scotland were on their first visit to the country (see Figure A.5 and Figure A.6 in Annex A for further details). More specifically, amongst those who were on an overnight trip, 31% were on their first visit to Glasgow while 13% were on their first visit to Scotland.

3.7 By comparison, VisitScotland statistics reported that amongst the normal overnight tourism market 41% of visitors to Glasgow were on their first visit to Scotland[13].

3.8 As illustrated in Figure 3.2, 57% of visitors who lived outside of Glasgow stated that they would ‘definitely’ return to the city in the next 5 years.

3.9 Focusing specifically on those visitors who had not been to Glasgow before, it is notable that around a third of these visitors stated that they would definitely return to the city in the next 5 years (32%).

3.10 See Figure A.7 in Annex A for further analysis of these results.

Figure 3.2. Likelihood of returning to Glasgow in next 5 years

Likelihood of returning to Glasgow in next 5 years

Base: Respondents who do not live in Glasgow (1,784)


Email: Duncan Whitehead

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