
Young Carer Grant: equality impact assessment

An assessment into the potential impacts that Young Carer Grant may have on groups with protected characteristics.



2. Carers Trust Scotland (2015) Time to be Heard for Young Adult Carers

3. Carers UK (2017) State of Caring 2017, Carers Scotland (2017) State of Caring in Scotland 2017

4. Carers UK as part of the Jo Cox Loneliness Commission (2017) The world shrinks: Carer loneliness

5. Analysis of Written Responses to the Consultation on Social Security in Scotland (2017)

6. Scotland's Carers (2015)

7. Scottish Health Survey (2012/13)

8. Scottish Health and Care Experience Survey (2013/14)

9. Scotland's Census (2011)

10. Carduff, E., Finucane, A., Kendall, M., Jarvis, A., Harrison, N., Greenachre, J. and Murray, S. (2014) Understanding the barriers to identifying carers of people with advanced illness in primary care: triangulating three data sources. BMC Family Practice, 48(15).

11. Carduff, et al., 2014

12. Smyth, C., Blaxland, M. and Cass, B. (2011) So that's how I found out I was a young carer and that I actually had been a carer most of my life' Identifying and supporting hidden young carers. Journal of Youth Studies, 14(2).

13. Carduff, et al., 2014

14. Scottish Health Survey (2012/13)

15. ibid

16. Carers Trust Scotland (2015) Time to be Heard for Young Adult Carers

17. ibid

18. ibid

19. Scotland's Census (2011)

20. ibid

21. ibid

22. Carers Trust Scotland (2015) Time to be Heard for Young Adult Carers

23. Scotland's Census (2011)

24. Analysis of Equality Results from Scotland's Census (2011)

25. ibid

26. Scotland's Census (2011): Key Results on Population, Ethnicity, Identity, Language, Religion, Health, Housing and Accommodation in Scotland - Release 2A

27. Hidden Carers – Unheard Voices – Informal caring within the Gypsy/Traveller Community in Scotland

28. MECOPP (2012) Hidden Carers, Unheard Voices. Informal caring within the Gypsy/Traveller community in Scotland

29. Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland (February 2017) "Coping is difficult, but I feel proud" - Perspectives on mental health and wellbeing of young carers

30. Scottish Government (2015) Scotland's Carers

31. Scottish Government (2017) Scottish Health Survey 2016

32. Carers Trust (2014) Husband, Partner, Dad, Son, Carer? A survey of the experiences and needs of male carers

33. Carers Trust Scotland (2016) Young People Caring OUT There: Experiences of LGBT young adult carers in Scotland

34. Arskey H Hirst, M (2005) Unpaid Carers Access to and Use of Primary Care Services, Primary Health Care Research and Development


36. LGBT Youth Scotland's response to the Consultation on Proposals for Carers Legislation (2014) - res450457

37. Scotland's Carers (2015)



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