Young Carer Grant - interim evaluation: qualitative research (Annex A)

This report presents findings from qualitative research conducted by Ipsos MORI Scotland as part of the wider interim evaluation of Young Carer Grant.


1. Scottish Government (2019) Carers strategic policy statement: consultation

2. We did not interview any young carers in this position.

3. Scottish Government (2019) Carers strategic policy statement: consultation

4. Scottish Government (2018) Social Security Experience Panels: Young Carer Grant - initial findings

5. The GP Patient Survey in England found that, compared with their non-carer peers, and carers over 25, young carers were more likely to report being a regular smoker and those with long-term conditions were also less likely that non-carers their own age or older carers to report that they had enough support and that they felt confident to manage their condition. GP Patient Survey: Experiences of young carers

6. Carers Trust Scotland (2015) Time to be Heard for Young Adult Carers; Carers UK (2017) State of Caring 2017; Carers Scotland (2017) State of Caring in Scotland 2017; Carers UK as part of the Jo Cox Loneliness Commission (2017) The world shrinks: Carer loneliness.

7. Young carer grant

8. Scottish Government (2019) Social Security Experience Panels: publications

9. Both non-recipients were eligible for Young Carer Grant but had not applied.

10. The participant who was 19 at the time of the interview had received the grant when aged 18.

11. Teen spending adds £1.7 billion to the UK economy

12. Scottish Government (2017) Young carers: review of research and data

13. Renamed Young Carers Action Day from 2021

14. We did not interview any young carers in this position.

15. Scottish Government (2018) Carers' charter

16. Note that the sample was predominantly made up of young carers who had received the grant and who were therefore less likely to have experienced problems with the application process, or at least only problems that proved to be surmountable.

17. Note that participants were recruited through gatekeepers which meant that almost all participants were engaged with young carer services. This increases the likelihood that they found out about the Young Carer Grant from such services.

18. Note that this participant had expressed an intention to apply for the Young Carer Grant in the near future.

19. We did not interview any young carers in this position.



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