
Young Carer Grant: interim evaluation

This report presents findings from the interim evaluation of Young Carer Grant. It aims to provide learning about the overall implementation of the benefit over the first 18 months of delivery, and the extent to which the short and medium-term policy objectives of Young Carer Grant have been met.


1. Scottish Government (2019) Carers strategic policy statement: consultation

2. Scottish Government (2017) Young carers: review of research and data

3. These include: the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP); the middle or highest care rate of Disability Living Allowance (DLA), including Child Disability Living Allowance; Attendance Allowance; Armed Forces Independence Payment; Constant Attendance Allowance.

4. Scottish Government (2019) Young Carer Grant: equality impact assessment

5. Scottish Government (2019) Devolved benefits: evaluating the policy impact

6. Carer Benefits Advisory Group minutes: February 2016

7. Carers strategic policy statement: consultation. These outcomes are in draft form.

8. Young Carer Grant: high level statistics to 30 April 2021

9. Social Security Scotland client diversity and equalities analysis to November 2020

10. Social Security Scotland Client Survey 2018-2020.

11. The number of respondents providing a valid answer to each individual question/statement varied slightly in the range shown.

12. Scottish Index Multiple Deprivation 2020. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation is a relative measure of deprivation across 6,976 small areas (called data zones). Deprivation quintiles are created by ordering data zones from 1 (most deprived) to 6,976 (least deprived) and grouping 20% of the Data Zones in each quintile from 1 (most deprived) to 5 (least deprived).

13. Social Security Scotland client diversity and equalities analysis to November 2020

14. Benefits for carers and disability assistance at November 2020: summary statistics

15. Latest available Stat-Xplore (Nov 20) author calculation.

16. The original payment amount when launched was £300.00.

17. The research found that those who had received the grant after COVID-19 restrictions came into force were less likely to have spent the money on socialising with friends.

18. No young carers in this position were interviewed during the course of the research.



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