Young Carer Grant: Service Level Agreement between The Secretary of State for Work And Pensions and Scottish Ministers

Service Level Agreement between The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Scottish Ministers in respect of Young Carer Grant

19. Data Subject Requests

19.1 When either Party receives a right of access request from a data subject requesting copies of data shared by the other Party, they will for any relevant information they hold as an independent data controller and in line with Article 15 of the UK GDPR and ICO’s UK GDPR guidance on the right of access:

  • confirm that they are processing any such personal data;
  • provide a copy of the personal data held; and provide other supplementary information as appropriate.

19.2 In addition, if it appears the data subject is requesting information held by the other Party, they will also at the same time return the request to the sender with details of the correct address (of the other Party) as soon as reasonably practicable and within regulatory deadlines. The request itself must not be forwarded.

19.3 Details on how to make an access request to DWP can be found in the DWP Information Charter - The DWP Personal Information Charter can be found at this link - DWP Personal Information Charter

19.4 Details on how to make an access request to Scottish Ministers can be found in the Social Security Scotland Privacy Notice. The Social Security Scotland Privacy Notice can be found at this link - Social Security Scotland Privacy Notice

19.5 Details of the specific data being shared can be found in the associated Data Sharing Agreement.

Address details for each Party are as follows:

Social Security Scotland Data Protection Team

Data Protection Officer
PO Box 10298

DWP Right of Access Request

Right of Access Gateway Team
Post Handling Site A
WV98 2EF




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