
Young Carer Grant: Service Level Agreement between The Secretary of State for Work And Pensions and Scottish Ministers

Service Level Agreement between The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Scottish Ministers in respect of Young Carer Grant

20. Business Continuity

20.1 If DWP or Social Security Scotland business continuity plans are invoked which affect the Services, the Party invoking their business continuity plan will advise the other Party of the issue, impact and resulting action as soon as reasonably practicable. Individual continuity plans are in place in DWP and Social Security Scotland and communication points of contact are in place in respective business continuity teams.

21. Technical Capabilities

21.1 Each Party will, as soon as reasonably practicable, inform the other Party of any proposed changes to its IT environment that would impact on the delivery of YCG. Each Party will thereafter cooperate with the other to minimise the impact of such changes will have on delivery of YCG. [Redacted]



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