
Young Carer Grant Working Group minutes: September 2019

Minutes of the Young Carer Grant Working Group meeting held on 17 September 2019.

Attendees and apologies


  • Robin Briggs, Scottish Government, Social Security Policy
  • Alison Brown, Shared Care Scotland
  • Nicola Davidson, Scottish Government, Social Security Policy, (Chair)
  • Rachel Goater, Citizens Advice Scotland
  • Anna Gray, Edinburgh Young Carers
  • Danielle Logan, Young Scot
  • Hannah Martin, Carer’s Trust
  • Jo McCorriston, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers
  • Drew Mckelvie, Scottish Government, Social Security Scotland
  • Meike Niggemann, Scottish Government, Programme Management and Delivery
  • Kate Thompson-McDermott, Scottish Government, Social Security Policy
  • Angela Toal, Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)
  • Paul Traynor, Carer’s Trust

Items and actions


1. The Chair welcomed members to the Young Carer Grant Working Group meeting and introduced Kate Thompson-McDermott the new unit head for the Carers Benefit Policy unit.

Young Carer Grant updates

2. The Chair then updated the group on the developments of Young Carer Grant (YCG) since the group last met. This included the regulations being laid on the 21st of June 2019. Along with these the four impact assessments were also published and the Scottish Government’s (SG) response the Scottish Commission on Social Security scrutiny of the draft regulations.

3. The Group were informed that SG were due to hold 14 roadshows around Scotland to help promote YCG. In preparation for this the group would be shown the draft presentation.


4. Nicola and Meike conducted the presentation. This covered the policy intent of YCG, the eligibility, some specific challenges user research had identified, what SG had done to mitigate these concerns and the online application.

5. Members were then invited to ask any questions they had, these can be found on Annex A.

Next steps

6. Going forward it was noted that this is not the end of the development of YCG. SG have committed to an early review a year after going live. It was agreed that the working group would still be a useful resource to help collect early opinions and experience of YCG once it has gone live.

7. The group will meet again once YCG has gone live to discuss the impact that YCG has made.

Annex A



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