
Young Patients Family Fund: claim form

The Young Patients Family Fund will help to offset the cost of travelling to and from hospital during a young inpatient's (up to age 18) stay in hospital and the subsistence required to allow claimants to spend time to support the health and wellbeing of the child or young person.

Young Patients Family Fund (YPFF) claim form (YPFF1)

YPFF is a Scottish Government fund designed to support parents/parent substitutes and any accompanying siblings under the age of 18 with the costs associated with visiting a young inpatient aged under 18 in hospital.

What Expenses Can be Claimed

Transport - Public transport costs should be reimbursed in full for up to one return journey per day for each claimant and any accompanying sibling(s) up to the age of 18 on production of receipts. Only standard class travel can be reclaimed. Travel by taxi will only be considered in certain circumstances, e.g. no public transport availability or subject to a visitor’s medical condition. Taxi travel must be approved by clinical staff prior to journey. Contributions towards the cost of fuel will be reimbursed at the prevailing mileage rate* per mile for up to one return car journey per day for each claimant, when they are travelling to the hospital separately on the same day.

Meals and subsistence - A contribution of up to £8.50 per eligible visitor per day for food and non-alcoholic beverages will be issued. This may be purchased outside of hospital grounds.

Parking - Car parking costs can be reclaimed in full on the submission of receipts.

Accommodation - In the exceptional circumstance where hospital accommodation is not available, a contribution to reasonable overnight accommodation costs will be reimbursed.

*The rate of reimbursement is based on the HMRC Fuel Advisory Rate.

Making a claim

The YPFF(1) form is attached, further forms are available from hospital wards, clinics and cash offices or to download. The form should be completed by one claimant and signed and certified as detailed on the form. This includes certification of qualification from a relevant medical professional caring for your baby, child or young person. Claims can be made individually or one individual can make a claim for all eligible visitors using a single form e.g a mother can submit a claim on behalf of herself, the father and sibling of a young inpatient.

Claims can be submitted incrementally during an on-going hospital stay (e.g. weekly) or in full for the entire stay, following discharge from the ward where the child or young person is receiving on-going treatment.

Claims must be submitted within three months of the patient’s discharge from hospital. Claims outside this time will not be considered for reimbursement except in very exceptional circumstances.

On completion the forms must be handed into the cash office within the hospital of attendance for reimbursement.

Full terms and conditions

YPFF(1) Claim Form

The claim form is available in the main downloadable pdf.



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