Young People in Scotland Survey 2021: attitudes to violence against women and girls

Pupils across 50 state secondary schools were surveyed on their attitudes towards topics relating to violence against women and girls. The report examines how attitudes have changed since the first publication in 2014 and discusses differences in views across a range of equality characteristics.

Annex D: Response question list and options

VAWG scenarios

Q1: "Imagine you are taking a 3 year old boy to a shop to buy a toy. When you get there he picks a princess doll. Which of the phrases below best describes what you would do?"

Response Options

  • "Buy it for him without saying anything"
  • "Buy it, but first try to get him to pick a toy that's more common for boys"
  • "Make him put the doll back and pick a toy more common for boys"
  • "I don't know"
  • "Prefer not to say"

Q2: "Imagine you are taking a 3 year old girl to a shop to buy a toy. When you get there she picks a toy truck. Which of the phrases below best describes what you would do?."

Response Options

  • "Buy it for her without saying anything"
  • "Buy it, but first try to get her to pick a toy that's more common for girls"
  • "Make her put the truck back and pick a toy more common for girls"
  • "I don't know"
  • "Prefer not to say"

Q3: "Imagine a woman is walking down the street. She passes a group of men who start wolf whistling and saying things like ''hey sexy" to her."

Response Options

1 (not wrong at all), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (very seriously wrong); "I don't know"; "Prefer not to say"

Q3B: "What harm, if any, do you think this does to her"

Response Options:

  • "A great deal"
  • "Quite a lot" Some
  • "Not very much"
  • "None at all"
  • "I don't know"
  • "Prefer not to say"

Q4: "Imagine a woman who broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago. He wants them to get back together, she does not. He has been sending flowers and gifts to her work and home even though she has told him she doesn't want them."

Response Options

1 (not wrong at all), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (very seriously wrong); "I don't know"; "Prefer not to say"

Q4B: "What harm, if any, do you think this does to her"

Response Options:

  • "A great deal"
  • "Quite a lot" Some
  • "Not very much"
  • "None at all"
  • "I don't know"
  • "Prefer not to say"

Q5: "Imagine a woman sent some naked photos of herself to her boyfriend. After they split up, he puts them on the internet without telling her, so that anyone could see them."

Response Options

1 (not wrong at all), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (very seriously wrong); "I don't know"; "Prefer not to say"

Q5B: "What harm, if any, do you think this does to her"

Response Options:

  • "A great deal"
  • "Quite a lot" Some
  • "Not very much"
  • "None at all"
  • "I don't know"
  • "Prefer not to say"

Q6: "Imagine a married woman who wants to go out with her friends for a meal in the evening. When she tells her husband about it, he gets very annoyed. He tells her that he doesn't want her going out without him"

Response Options

1 (not wrong at all), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (very seriously wrong); "I don't know"; "Prefer not to say"

Q6B: "What harm, if any, do you think this does to her"

Response Options:

  • "A great deal"
  • "Quite a lot" Some
  • "Not very much"
  • "None at all"
  • "I don't know"
  • "Prefer not to say"

Q7: "Imagine a married couple who have been together for a while. One evening the man's wife tells him she has been having an affair. He has never hit her before, but he responds to this news by slapping her in the face. Using the scale, choose one number to show what you think about the behaviour of the people in the situation described."

Response Options

1 (not wrong at all), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (very seriously wrong); "I don't know"; "Prefer not to say"

Q8: "How wrong do you personally think it is for an adult (18 or over) to watch pornography at home, or is it not wrong at all?"

Response Options

1 (not wrong at all), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (very seriously wrong); "I don't know"; "Prefer not to say

Q9: "How wrong do you personally think it is for a group of men (18 or over) to go to a strip club to watch naked women, or is it not wrong at all?"

Response Options

1 (not wrong at all), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (very seriously wrong); "I don't know"; "Prefer not to say"

Equality demographic questions

"How would you describe your gender identity?"

Response Options

Male, Female, In another way, Prefer not to say

"What religion, religious denomination or body do you belong to?"

Response Options

Church of Scotland; Roman Catholic; Other Christian; Muslim; Buddhist; Sikh; Jewish; Hindu; Pagan; Other; No religion

Do you have a physical or mental health condition, illness or disability lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?

Response Options

"Yes", "No"

What is your ethnic group? Please select the one that best describes your ethnic group or background.

White – Scottish; White - Other British; White – Irish; White - Gypsy/Traveller/Roma; White – Polish; White– Other; Mixed or multiple ethnic groups; Pakistani; Indian; Bangladeshi; Chinese; African; Caribbean; Black; Arab; Other



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