
Young people's attitudes to immigration: findings from the Young People in Scotland Survey 2017

This report presents findings on attitudes to immigration from the Ipsos MORI Young People in Scotland Survey 2017.

Annex B. Statistical significance testing

This Annex contains details of the Z statistical tests which determined the statistically significant differences between percentages for sub-groups at the 95% level. In the table below:

√ - indicates that a statistically significant relationship is found in at least two percentages in demographic sub-groups.

χ - indicates that no statistically significant relationship is found.

  Gender Year group Ethnicity Religious affiliation Health condition Rurality SIMD
Do you think that immigration has been good or bad for Scotland, or has it made no difference χ
Do you think immigration into Scotland should be… χ χ
People from outside Britain who come to live in Scotland make the country a better place χ χ
Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more Muslims came to live in Scotland χ χ
Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more people from Eastern Europe ( e.g. Poland and Latvia) came to live in Scotland χ χ
Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more black and Asian people came to live in Scotland χ χ
People from outside Britain who come to live in Scotland make a valuable contribution to the economy χ


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