
Young people's attitudes to immigration: findings from the Young People in Scotland Survey 2017

This report presents findings on attitudes to immigration from the Ipsos MORI Young People in Scotland Survey 2017.

Annex D. Comparative sources of data (based on previous use of questions with the same or similar wording)

Impact of immigration on the country as a whole

Ipsos MORI, Oct 2017 (online panel with British adults – 7 waves, conducted between Feb 2015 and October 2016. 4,574 respondents in total; 1,301 people completed all waves). 244 people in Scotland participated in the final wave; 108 completed all waves

On a scale of 0-10, has migration had a positive or negative impact on Britain? (0 is 'very negative,' 10 is 'very positive.')

YouGov/ BBC survey 4-6 March 2015 (1,100 Scottish adults);

YouGov/Channel 5 survey 10-11 Feb 2014 (1,899 GB adults)

On balance, do you think the level of immigration into Britain over the last ten years has been good or bad for the country?

Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2015: Attitudes to discrimination and positive action (1,288 adults in Scotland, face-to-face interviews). Question used in 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2015

People from outside Britain who come to live in Scotland make the country a better place (Agree strongly/agree; Neither agree nor disagree; Disagree strongly/disagree)

YouGov/Migration Observatory, 2013 (2,000 adults in Scotland; 2,000 adults in England and Wales)

Would you say that it is generally good or bad for Scotland/Britain that people come to live here from outside of the UK? (Bad (0-4) Neutral (5) Good (6-10).

European Social Survey, 2014 and 2002 ( UK sample size at least 1,500 – Scottish sample included) Nationally representative sample; adults aged 15+.

Is [country] made a worse or a better place to live by people coming to live here from other countries? (Scale 00, worse place to live, to 10, better place to live).

Levels of migration

Ipsos MORI, Oct 2017 (online panel with British adults – 7 waves, conducted between Feb 2015 and October 2016. 4,574 respondents in total; 1,301 people completed all waves). 244 people in Scotland participated in the final wave; 108 completed all waves

British Social Attitudes Survey. 2013 BSA Survey. (Sample size approximately 3,000 adults across Britain; random probability sampling, representative of the British population).

Do you think the number of immigrants coming to Britain nowadays should be:

  • Increased a lot
  • Increased a little
  • Remain the same as it is
  • Reduced a little
  • Reduced a lot
  • Don't know/refused.

YouGov/ BBC survey 4-6 March 2015 (1,100 Scottish adults);

YouGov/Channel 5 survey 10-11 Feb 2014 (1,899 GB adults)

Generally speaking, do you think the level of immigration into Britain should be:

  • Increased
  • Reduced
  • Kept at current level
  • Stopped completely
  • Don't know.

Impact of migration on culture and identity

Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2015: Attitudes to discrimination and positive action (sample 1,288 adults in Scotland, face-to-face interviews). Question used in 2011, 2013 and 2015

Do you agree or disagree:

  • People from outside Britain who come to live in Scotland make the country a better place
  • Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more Muslims came to live in Scotland
  • Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more people from Eastern Europe (for example, Poland and Latvia) came to live in Scotland
  • Scotland would begin to lose its identity if more black and Asian people came to live in Scotland.

British Social Attitudes Survey, 2011, 2013, 2015. (Sample size approximately 3,000 adults across Britain). Reported in Migration Observatory Briefing UK Public Opinion toward Immigration, 2016

And on a scale of 0 to 10, would you say that Britain's cultural life is generally undermined or enriched by migrants coming to live here from other countries?

European Social Survey, 2014 and 2002 ( UK sample size at least 1,500 – Scottish sample included) Nationally representative sample; adults aged 15+.

And, using this card, would you say that [country]'s cultural life is generally undermined or enriched by people coming to live here from other countries?

Impact of migration on the country's economy

YouGov/ BBC survey 4-6 March 2015 (1,100 Scottish adults);

YouGov/Channel 5 survey 10-11 Feb 2014 (1,899 GB adults)

Generally speaking, do you think immigration is good or bad for the British economy?

British Social Attitudes Survey. Approximately 3,000 people surveyed each year; random probability sampling; representative of the British population. 2011, 2013, 2015.

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is extremely bad and 10 is extremely good, would you say it is generally bad or good for Britain's economy that migrants come to Britain from other countries?

European Social Survey, 2014 and 2002 ( UK sample size at least 1,500 – Scottish sample included) Nationally representative sample; adults aged 15+.

Would you say it is generally bad or good for [country]'s economy that people come to live here from other countries?

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this social research publication:

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