
Young people's attitudes to immigration: findings from the Young People in Scotland Survey 2017

This report presents findings on attitudes to immigration from the Ipsos MORI Young People in Scotland Survey 2017.


1. SIMD identifies small area concentrations of multiple deprivation across all of Scotland in a consistent way. It ranks small areas (data zones) from most deprived to least deprived. SIMD quintiles are bands containing 20% of data zones, from most deprived ( SIMD 1) to least deprived ( SIMD 5).

2. Lasting or expected to last twelve months or more.

3. Figures may not sum to total due to rounding.

4. Includes people from Black and Minority Ethnic groups (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Chinese, African, Caribbean or black and Arab). Also includes other groups which are not categorised.

5. The 'Christian' category includes Church of Scotland, Roman Catholic, Other Christian.

6. The 'Non-Christian' category includes Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish, Hindu and Pagan.

7. The 'Other' category includes Religions no categorised.

8. Lasting or expected to last twelve months or more.

9. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation ( SIMD). Quintile 1 contains the 20% most deprived areas and Quintile 5 contains the 20% least deprived areas in Scotland.


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